do you like avatar the tv show talk about it here. What dont you like about it. why. And of course which thing wouold you choose? water wind earth fire? Not all you are just a bender not a avatar :P
I'm a little behind here. Was this actually a good show? I've seen movie previews and the effects and story line seem pretty awesome.
Yes the series was the best thing of my life, but they screwed up the series in the movie. so just watch the series. It will be the best thing you ever did.
I am a total Last Airbender nerd. I love the show! And I am so psyched for the movie! I love all of M.NIGHT's stuff, so I am convinced it will the the bomb cake. And honestly, if M.NIGHT wasn't directing it I would not go see the movie :/
As for the bending thing, I would probably be Water. Yes, not a very intimidating element, but most people forget that you can bloodbend. And also, I just think it would be fun to play around with
Well apparently in the movie, fire benders need a source for their bending, they can't just create it, and everything is pronounced wrong. Still want to see it?
Air/Energy. The mispronunciation of the names in the movie was actually intentional; I saw this interview thingy with M. Night Shyamalan on TV, and he said that he changed the pronunciation of the names so they're authentic Asian pronunciations. And I honestly don't see why people make such a big deal about the pronunciation. Another thing that the movie changed was that firebenders have to take fire from a source, rather than "create it". But they don't actually create it out of thin air! They firebend using the fire from the sun, which is why the first invasion plan was entirely dependent on the solar eclipse, which would be the time when firebenders were at their weakest and waterbenders at their most powerful. I think that the reason this part was changed was because Shyamalan didn't quite grasp the concept, and I don't like this change. And of course, the other thing I don't like is the complete destruction of the message! In the series, the waterbending master refuses to teach Katara because he's a chauvinistic bastard, even though he's a sage and brilliant(eventually, however, he does see that he's wrong and accepts her as a student). The idea behind it was, even the great among us have our flaws. The movie completely gets rid of this, making the waterbending master into the typical marty stue wise man mentor, which I hate. And last but not least...did anyone else notice the color switch of the characters? In the series, 2/3 of the "good guys"(Katara and Sokka) were tannish or more of an Asian color, whereas the "bad guys"(Zuko in the first few seasons, his sister in the last) were white. In the movie, all of the Water Nation "good guys" were whitewashed and the Fire Nation "bad guys" were Middle Eastern. Did anyone else think that when they saw it? And the 3-D was...well, I'll just say you can tell it was last-minute.