do you like avatar the tv show talk about it here. What dont you like about it. why. And of course which thing wouold you choose? water wind earth fire? Not all you are just a bender not a avatar :P
Right, I also noticed the color switch-ups in the movie (as well, did anyone notice that Katara and Sokka were the only white people in their tribe???) and just in general I think it was bad--with almost no dialogue, the pacing was painfully off. It excised all of the humour, one of the key parts of the tv show!
Though, I have to say that the worst part is definitely the fact that even though I know that the next two are going to be just as bad, I will still feel obligated to see them.
I think the show is funny, because the amine can be so ridiculous. i would probably be air, so that I could fly. I think the movie will have some good real action. Jet was awesome in the TV show.