Well I guess the title says it all, I was just wondering who ya'll thought were the most active 'forumers' in this part of the AG forum. Opinions, that what this Forum is going to be, pure opinions, and yes you can say 'Me'.
What? You mean the total amount of posts in this thread, I see.
I don't see the reason in reaching integers with a great amount of zeros. It's the same as reaching another number such as 314,159. I guess humanity is weird that way.
[quoteYeah but the sad thing is that it's almost the last time it happens... In 2012 we'll have 12/12/12 but in 2013 there won't be a 13/13/13! Boooooo![/quote]
Well I didn't have a good new years. On new years eve my computer caught some spyware and rendered all my programs useless. And then the next day I had to restore the computer to factory defaults. It's all fixed now. But it took a few hours to fix it.
Other then that I had a good new years. We had a good dinner and most of our family came over again.
My New Years Eve was great! I took my cousins and one of my cousin's boyfriend to a restaurant to eat before going to the local bowling alley. Every Eve, they like to decorate the place up with red, white, and blue lights, turn on the blacklights at the top, and set up two discoballs to illuminate the area. The lights at the back of the floor make the pins glow.
Something new, get this: when we bowl, there is a sensor on the floor where you bowl, so when the bowling ball glides down the floor, it lights up, so you have this trailing, American light-mixture that follows the ball. The effects were great and we had a blast.
Afterwards, we went to my cousin's house and we watched the ball drop. After that, we had a 4-person Kinect party. My quads are still sore from that night. I think we all went to bed at...5AM? anyway, we all had a great time.
there is a sensor on the floor where you bowl, so when the bowling ball glides down the floor, it lights up, so you have this trailing
That's fantastic. It'd give me a lot better idea about exactly how my ball curves when I pitch it. Might even be considered cheating, now that I'm starting to take it a little more seriously...
That should help with my dismal bowling. Hehehe. I've resolved to keep the topic list off-site. Already it has ballooned to quite an extent, which probably poses a distraction of sorts. I'll post it at infrequent intervals, or when requested to do so.
Just one more time..
1-----Pages 1-23-------"Most Active Forummers" 2-----Pages 23-34------"Explosive Releases" 3-----Pages 34-35------"Sniffing Substances" 4-----Pages 35-40------"Legal Consumpion of Questionable Substances" 3-----Pages 40-42------"Illogisms" 4-----Pages 42-47------"Legion" 5-----Pages 47-80-----"Bears" 5A----Pages 70-80-----"Kirby" 6-----Pages 80-89-----"Radiocative Exposure" 7-----Pages 89-91------"Spontaneous Combustion Constituent of er..." 8-----Pages 91-96------"How Would You Like to Die? 9-----Pages 96-105------"Kiddie Movies" 10----Pages 105-113------"Awesome Pop Culture Icons" 11----Pages 113-161------"Internettisms" 11A---Pages 125-126------"Ice Cream" 11B---Pages 127-143------"Longest, Favorite, and Made-up Words" 11C---Pages 143-155------"Sarah Palin and Other Stuff" 11D---Pages 155-160------"Games" 12----Pages 161-167------"Mario Kart" 13----Pages 167-193------"Retro Gaming" 14----Pages 193-202------"Obsession with Upgrade Systems in Games" 15----Pages 202-208------"Shagging Sheep in NZ What?" 16----Pages 208-212------"Niu Zillunderz" 17----Pages 212-218------"Apples and Oranges" 18----Pages 218-229------"Hell Pizza" 19----Pages 229-243------"Unique Ice-Cream Toppings" 20----Pages 242-255------"Dollar Stores" 21----Pages 255-265------"Football" 22----Pages 265-269------"Ball Games" 23----Pages 269-290------"Perverts" 24----Pages 290-311------"Units of Measurement" 25----Pages 311-328------"Boring Topics" 26----Pages 328-339------"The Gaming Subsections of This Forum" 27----Pages 339-363------"Halloween" 28----Pages 363-400------"Why Can't We All Just Get Along? D: 29----Pages 400-416------"Corporation Inc...Sort of" 30----Pages 416-423------"AGv3 Beta, Drunken Animals, and Spongebob Squarepants" 31----Pages 423-435------"Inbreeding and Cricket" 32----Pages 435-442------"Christmas Decorations" 33----Pages 442-443------"Modding Other Sites (And Christmas Decorations)" 34----Pages 443-450------"The Friend Zone" 35----Pages 450-458------"Change to Biscuits" 36----Pages 458-472------"Restaurants and the Outback" 37----Pages 472-479------"Videogame Commitment Issues" 38----Pages 479-482------"Omegle and Chatroulette" 39----Pages 482-490------"Christmas Shopping" 40----Pages 490-494------"Made Up Christmas Festivities" 41----Pages 494-___------"New Years Resolutions"
That's fantastic. It'd give me a lot better idea about exactly how my ball curves when I pitch it. Might even be considered cheating, now that I'm starting to take it a little more seriously...
We played two games and I still only got 80 for both scores, so what does that tell ya? LOL I'm left-handed and they say that left-handers are supposed to be natural curvers. I have trouble just keeping the ball straight. Heavy balls throw off my aim, so I continue to use 4-pound sissy balls so I can throw the ball straight and get a fairly decent score. So until I get reeeally good at bowling, I'm considering the light-up panels "flashy, cool, and shweet".
I prefer the Wii sports version of bowling, save some money, plus it's a lot easier
Fake bowling is bad bowling. Bowling isn't exactly what you call exercise, but it's healthier than fake bowling. And you can win prizes.
At my local bowling place(?) getting all strikes gives you $300 and all spares and strikes give you $100. Does your place have that kind of thing? When I say "your", I mean anyone by the way. ha ha your not speshul!
I don't think any places near me have that. You don't get prizes for winning or strikes or anything like that. In school though we had bowling tournaments then the best team would get a pizza party and some trophies.