I'd take away that oil spill in the gulf coast too, it's messing up the environment alot and causing billions of dollars to clean up that could've been spent elsewhere.
In all seriousness, I would erase stupidity. Not ignorance, that makes the world more interesting. Stupidity, people just being stupid.
Ha,Ha,Ha...Are we related? I also have a low tolerance for stupid(ity). You are sooooooo correct about ignorance but I would add that without ignorance what could we learn? We would know it all and those are the ones I hate more than the stupid ones.
I would erase Humans. Not like we are doing any good. If you look at it with religious views, Humans are of sin, so you would kill us all too I AM NOT LOOKING FOR ANY TYPE OF RELIGION FIGHT THING. OKAY?!
Positive Mage. I am not even gonna click the li... OMG OMG OMG THIS IS FRIGGIN HILARIOUS. Magical Flying Sperm beats Allah with his own baby! XD FSM FTW.