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ForumsGamesProtector 4

16 4958
9 posts

Well this game isn't as good as the most popular, now thats said lets get on with the good things. The game as lot's of content, you can spent hours or days before deciding on completing anther game like this-you won't though.
You can have lots of abilities and people hire to help you on your conquest.
there are bad bit's like you can't sell or move units on the field. They will also attack the same enemy if put to close together. It could also be a bit more user friendly to play. It can get a bit boring after a while, but you can go strait back on it the next day and try again. For this game I will give 8.5 out of ten. May sound all little low but it does have it's rotten parts. Over all it's a good adventure.

Comment on my verdict of the the game and maybe give yours. Thxs


  • 16 Replies
125 posts

I thought it was quite hard. Although in some of the comments people said it was too easy.
I had to do heaps of normal quests to get strong enough for story line ones and believe me, the normal ones are sooo repeatative. I also wish to sell the units and to have so more info on the heros.

I'm getting abit bored of it now but that probably because its the school holidays and I play a lot more. Around 1 - 1.5 hours a day.

Just to say, the higher the speed, the slower the unit is.

336 posts

The game is difficult at first only because it is harder to match the "default heroes" to the weaknesses of each wave of monsters. Build your leadership up so you can recruit a broader variety of heroes, then it's a matter of matching up the weaknesses. Also pay attention to the number of flying waves in each round, this will make it wise to choose magic users and ranged attackers over sword and axe swingers. Look for heroes that have both a ranged and physical attack options. Accumulate items of worth to boost your game performance. Those items with paving discounts can be huge when facing a level with not a lot of open locations to place defenders. Replace single attribute items with double and triple ones as appropriate. Also upgrade your defenders for extra damage and attack speed whenever possible. For the most part, the rest is basic "TD" strategy. Place defenders in areas where they can be the most effective over the greatest range. Try to cause as much damage through the entire map as you can, weaken and slow them down at the beginning, do as much damage as you can in the middle, and employ "finishers" towards the end.

125 posts

I wish wonder what the point of Protectomons are. What is do they do once you get them?

On the topic of Jones the explorer, I don't suggest you go on an expidition until you have 100% efficiency. The things he brings are hardly worth 1,000 but are quite good if you cannot loot anything.

Don't rate at the beginning. It is very cool at that time and I gave it 10/10. But now its gradually becoming harder to continue on the storyline because there are heaps of waves and they look hard.

Don't bother employing the archer and ranger from Flintwood. They are so weak even though they range is far. I fired Featherleaf after 2 failed quests with him.

336 posts


Protectomons give you bonuses, but only to heroes that have the same look as the protectormon. I currently have four of them.

993 posts

Protector 4 is awesome!I love 3d-grafics, lots of levels... its just awesome!10/10+faved

125 posts

The lady heros look nice.
Threewoodfrom flintwood and Trainee Kiranaeveryone knows her. Sorry, just had to bring that up. :|

82 posts

I think that Protector 4 is the best of all the Protector games. When the first protector came out, I was instantly hooked. A few months later, the second one came out and I thought to myself, how can this game get any better than it already is? It did though. The same happened with the others, they were much better than its predicesor.

Protector 4 is extremely addicting, I can play for 2-3 hours. I love the fact that you are a mercenery. I do agree though, that the normal quests are to repetative. I love the fact that they added the faction realation. I think that is another aspect that really ads a huge bonus to the game. I really hope that they made a 5th protector, as I'm sure that they will find a way to improve on near profection(9.5/10).

125 posts

Hold The Gates! and The Great Hydra are excellant quests to repeatedly complete for heaps exp.

Does anyone know how long the storyline thing is? I've got a feeling that I'm near the end... The corruptions started and all.

130 posts

Nah you are only around the middle. The game is really long for a flash game.

53 posts

I'm having trouble getting all the skills now. There's one left (woodsman) that I need to steal a talent scroll for and I don't have most of the stats ones. I still need the 1000 berserks and all of the stealing ones too. I can't tell how far along I am on those though. It's getting really hard to get enough overall experience to get more stat points. Tips?

91 posts

The talent scrolls can be bought at the stores. The 1000 berserks and steal are just plain annoying, good luck getting those. The skill one you can really only get a few of them since it's impossible to have that much skill points unless you spent half of your life playing this game.

125 posts

Some people say that you cannot get a particular storyline talent even if you finish the game. I dunno which one it was, just read someone comment about it.

Has anyone had a hero with different faction units? I got one thats from Tribes with a Warrior and Huscal. I like the combination though.

What excatly does debuffing do? Bit confused on it.
How does stealing work? Different from looting but what is it?
Is there anything better than Like 'That' for faction relations?

259 posts

The quests on the bottom left and bottom right get harder pretty fast. Like above, I use Hydra to level up heroes fast.

I find casters easiest. Yes, melee can do tons of damage (berserkers or reapers), but flyers ruin their day.

So try to get casters of each element (or use council unit replace scrolls--use the cheese when you can afford or damage type replacement items as needed). Wizards are insane, trainees or shamen are fine. Chaos Mages are some fun. Archmages feel like cheating.

Items: the store bought hat with 6 elemental and magic across the board. I up tactics and elemental equally til both are at 8 or so, then just elemental. Take lots of magic skill yourself, and some other stuff you feel like.

Weak points are good, just watch out for absorb. Usually not having many waves strong to your mages is good enough.

Specialization skill doesn't seem worth it. Just have a slow/debuff up front at high levels, work everything else towards damage works fine in almost all levels. To question above, I think debuff means they take more damage, but if there's a lot of stuff weak to that type I'll take the increased elemental line.

53 posts

What excatly does debuffing do? Bit confused on it.

if you select &quotrotectopedia" on the main menu you can learn a bunch of stuff. i looked at the same thing for protector 3 and it has some better info i think.

How does stealing work? Different from looting but what is it?

stealing steals gold from the enemies on an attack (not necessarily a kill like looting). youll see a little gold coin pile come up under the damage dealt by the hit.

Is there anything better than Like 'That' for faction relations?

3 posts

This is one of my favorite games at the moment, since it is the amalgamation of my my favorite genres - rpg and tower defense.

As with most Protector games there is much humor in the naming of characters and items, with plenty left over when it comes to the background story accompanying each task.

The game play options are numerous with a vast number of heroes, units, skills, items and ways to stat build both the heroes you've hired as well as yourself.

The maps do become a bit repetitive, but I haven't minded it personally very much. This isn't a fast action packed game, so players who need that type of thrill might not find it very appealing. For the type of player who enjoys tower defense games, or spending time building up and equipping characters to increase power (rpg, mmorpg style), this one is definitely worth a try.

There are achievements to be earned, &quotrotectomons" to find (like a hero who will only wear skirts, because trousers itch!), and hours of hours of gameplay possibilities.

I would like to see a multiplayer option for this game. A one on one split screen battle where players pick their best three heroes for a randomly generated map, and monsters continue to spawn in waves progressively becoming more and more difficult- last man standing wins. The winner would earn points towards unlocking a series of more powerful heroes and more difficult game content- as well as bragging rights on a score board, of course.

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