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ForumsGamesProtector 4

16 4959
9 posts

Well this game isn't as good as the most popular, now thats said lets get on with the good things. The game as lot's of content, you can spent hours or days before deciding on completing anther game like this-you won't though.
You can have lots of abilities and people hire to help you on your conquest.
there are bad bit's like you can't sell or move units on the field. They will also attack the same enemy if put to close together. It could also be a bit more user friendly to play. It can get a bit boring after a while, but you can go strait back on it the next day and try again. For this game I will give 8.5 out of ten. May sound all little low but it does have it's rotten parts. Over all it's a good adventure.

Comment on my verdict of the the game and maybe give yours. Thxs


  • 16 Replies
125 posts

The Protectomons are funny with their little comments. Though they are so rare...

At around the end the storyline quest are very hard but the normal ones are all easy. Its frustrating.

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