no i dont think that there will be electric cars. a battery would be too heavy and would use energy too fast, not good milage, and slow. I say the next kind of car will be the hydrogen Fuel cell car. Its good in all the performance places and we are making better progress with the HFC motors. the only problem with them is that Hydrogen is Highly explosive. if they can get rid of the rish of explosion in the HFC car then the "Gas Age" will go away and it will be the HFC age.
No, but they have a great design for a car right now called the minicat, which runs like a baloon does on air. it ony cost 2 dollars to fill up and iits really great, It PURIFIES the air, an amazing design that could ultimately save mankind if used right
But the chemicals that are put inro the longer-lasting batteries these days are toxic - that means every time there was an accident in which the battery leaked, a hazmat team would have to be called... that would be a nightmare here in LA.
you know all the other cars that you guys are talkin about are true and nice and stuff but Scientists are mainly looking at the HFC motors because it has the best performance grades unlike the electric and balloon cars.
...there are already electric cars that drives with solarenergy.. just look it up in google images... and also look up about flying cars because they already excist but havent been out yet.. and i also saw it on discovery so yes there are elecktric cars...
i also got the site of the flying cars with videos for pple who dont believe and about the elecktric cars and if you mean with elektric cars something with elecktric engine they also excist but it cost alot and its maybe too heavy for the car because it needs alot accus backup energy another engine etc etc
also their are cars that run on compressed air. most freaking ugly car in the world, but i hear they use them in france. costs about 50 cents to fill them up.
ok stop talkin bout these dumb ideas like Radio cars. never gunna happen the next kind of car is HFC car so figure it out. Scientists are giving up on electricity and othger things and focusing on the HFC motor so none of the other cars are going to happen. Except for fliying cars. which have wings and stuff on them.
starscream you read mine mind perfect... and i think you mean a hovercraft with a car that drives on water... il give a tip, that james bond movie about the car that works as a submarine is fake so dont expect too much from it..