Hi! I've been working on Colony v6.0 and we're doing some testing and technical things now. It should be out really soon. Anyway, here are the notes:
Anti-Hacking New features are being added into 6.0 to make it harder for hackers. Using more server-side code so that it's not easy to breach, and also you will automatically be de-synced from a hacker if the game thinks that he is hacking.
Friends List Added a friend list feature. You can add friends by user name, so you can see whenever they come online, chat with them directly whether you are in a game or in the lobby, and also you can block users.
Balance Changes Influence Cap raised to 200. Prides: Now cost 40 Influence, up from 35. Gladiator: Price reduced. Weapon range and damage increased slightly. Sakata Spider: Price slightly reduced. Range, speed and HP slightly increased. Meditec: Now takes slightly few seconds to deploy.
New In-Game Commands
/add [username] Adds that player to your friends list.
/remove [username] Removes that player from your friends list.
/friendlist Displays a list of all your added friends, and shows whether they are online, offline, or blocked.
/block [username] Block that player from sending you private messages.
/unblock [username] Unblock the player.
/w [username] [message] Sends a private message to the user. He/she has to be on your friend list for that to work.
Note: The usernames in all friend list commands are case-sensitive.
That's all for now I'm still trying to figure out a way to create a kind of spectator mode. No promises though!
Also, you didn't actually make the hack, did you? Otherwise, you'd be hacking SmartFox severs, which is illegal and you can did arrested for it, as far as I'm concerned.
Well that sucks, I am really getting sick of people hacking on this game. It ruins the entire experience in my opinion.
Well, if we're lucky, no one's stupid enough to release a hack. =P
So what Descartes did was put a saint tab on the Ground Zero menu. He also made the saints range 1000 I think and made them cost nothing. In addition, he made the deploy time 0. About the not being desynced, I have no clue.
Yes, and no. I used an int from the constants pool, 2d 15, which is insanely large. 8D As for the desync, my point is that the new and improved Anti-Hack system is still not good enough to detect this.
Oh and is it just me, or is it impossible for communists to get 200 influence? Everytime I get more than 100 and kill a unit while receiving the influence bonus, it jumps back to 100 again. This happens in campaign just as in multiplayer.
The de-sync so far should only work if there is another player. However, the changes you made to the unit should not affect other players as well, the Saints should still have normal range and damage to other players.
The resource they project you to have is also worked out independent from your client, but by observing what buildings you put up. It still needs work but it'll give a bit more trouble to hackers I think...
And Gades, I'll have a look at that influence bug.