Well, my history from school is a bit sparce, but i recall a quote being made along the lines of:
"World War 3, Is The War To End All Wars"
Think of how many countries own some sort of nuclear weapon, which is also undeclared, think of how many thousands of troops each country has, Russia for one has the biggest armed forces in the world.
This is all through my history notes by the way.
At the end of it, the only winner will be the cockroach, and obviously, your 'god'.
My belief is we are mere test rats in a small cage, and we are being tested upon and pushed to our extremes. Once they are done, WW3/Armageddon comes around, wiping us all out to start again but with new roles to play. So in my eyes the Aliens are the real winners
In war there are no true winners, there is always a loss of some sort on each side. History claims winners, but in reality these "winners" are the ones who wrote the history books, so the title can be given to them.
Well then---let`s narrow this down----*whipering to myself*---america or russia..it really depends whoes got the best weapons by then + theve all got allies,right and
It depends on a thousand things, but I would say if the war would happen today for no real reason and no factions and conventional weapons I would have to say the winner would either be the USA, for there weaponry, Russia, for its man power and weaponry, or China, for its manpower.
Switzerland will win because no one will attack it. Everyone else will be busy killing their enemies and seeing that Switzerland has been Neutral for the past god knows how long, they will probably be Neutral in WW3. On top of that, Switzlerland has underground bunkers connected by an array of tunnels that can house 114% of their population. Seeing as they will have farm bunkers that use artificial light and The Alps as a water source. In other words, Switzerland will be the only place to survive because they have prepared for it.
ina non- nuclear war, it would be a pretty close match between China, with its massive population and industrial power, Russia, military size +power, or the USA. asalready said there are many many other factors than '1 or the other'. in a nuclear war nobody would win accept the most prepared, neutral, and isolated countries/areas.
both sides have enough nukes to blow the world up hundreds of times over agian, so how would it even be a war, there is no sutch thing as a world war anymore, we are to techinolically advanced
I'm not, but using nuclear weapons is a no-win situation. I don't know how many of our modern warheads would have to go off to ruin the atmosphere, but I'm guessing less than 20? Most of the US's nukes are missiles with 10 warheads in each missile. So like I said, we would probably all die. I'm looking forward to there never being nuclear war. If there was, I wouldn't be around long enough to be sad about it.
I agree these who said in the nuclear war , the only winner will be the cockroach. And yes USA and Middle East WILL be involved. I guess. If it will happen. It all would start with Iraq and Afghanistan. Then they would want more power. Invading Pakistan, Iran, other countries would have thirst for power too. India would attack, or Russia, after much chaos and havoc in Middle East, some rebels would appear. If they would gain much power, take over the nuke silos, they should kill everybody. USA first, Washington DC, New York City, Los Angeles nuked, they will want revenge, sending the rest of their troops into Middle East, China may attack them. And then, nukes again and nukes, nukes, nukes and RIP everybody.
I think the next "World War" will be like the "Cold War" - no weapons but threats and fear. Maybe the computer systems or our organisation will be effected by that "War". In my opinion there won't necessarely be countries fighting each other; probably it's just an attack on our water, electricity, gas, oil or other resources which doesn't have to be done by the use of weapons. What would happen to Europe if Russia stopped the export of oil? So, war will be different than WWI or WWII have been. Possible "fighters" will be the USA, Middle East, the EU (as one) - probably also the NATO. I would not underestimate the power of China (and North Korea) or India. One possible catalyst is the control of resources: China, India, USA and Europe will need more resources (btw. STOP DRIVING BIG CARS!!!) and there will be a race about getting the monopole and the control about resources (because resources mean money - capitalism) Hopefully there is no WW3 - Wars destroy culture and are worth nothing; I'm German and I can still see what WWII did to us - even 70 years later... STOP WAR!!!