Many of you may, or may not, be fans of today's "Pop" culture "Music". But all of you know what Mainstream Rap sounds like. Ya, it's border line crap. Take Justin Bieber for example. Lets go get some preteen junior high student who can sing like a girl and put him in a video with Usher and throw in some girls too. wow, change my facebook status to dead inside.
But seriously. It really frustrates me to even talk about how Music is being stripped of its originality and verbally raped from all these wanna be stars. Give some black guy who can hit a high note an auto tune and a synthesizer, he'll make millions. Just take a bass line, toss a bunch of chicks singing about sex or something, you have a "music video"?! WTF is that??? *sigh... F@#! you America. f@#! you.
It may be crap, but it's 'opular', is it not? And a lot of people buy into that.
Though many of us can understand your rant, you can chose what you do and do not listen to. You may not have control over what you are ultimately exposed to when you walk out your front door (i.e., adverts, radio commercials, etc.), but media and entertainment go where the money is. Unfortunately, not everyone likes it and not everyone has to.
I may be tired of hearing about Twilight, but what am I going to do? Complain about it? Ignore the craze, that's what. Some of my coworkers talk about it incessantly, so I annoy them by talking Harry Potter, MI-5, Doctor Who... and return the favor of having them listen to something they're not particularly interested in. Be patient with the stuff you hate as there will be others out there that cannot stand to listen to you ramble on about your interests.
Overall, media has turned rotten, that I agree with. Movie plots are forced, the amount of remakes is unbelievably obnoxious, and it seems as though no one is creative anymore, that there are no more original ideas. We hear and see the same thing over and over again in this country, which is why my entertainment is mostly British now.
I guess there's always clinging to the classics and never letting go.
I agree. Popular Media is terrible. Metal is what is what my family listens to. I can't stand that new stuff. My friend was telling me about this "great new rap" that they had just found. They kept insisting I listen. They got mad when I told them "No, I never will!" I don't think people understand that just because it's popular, it doesnât make it good.
System of a Down is okay, their definitely a lot better than many bands today who claim to be metal. I like their first album, sugar is a cool song.
System of a Down is awesome! I do agree that it really doesn't take much to be famous anymore. All you need is some auto-tune and half decent lyrics and you'll make millions...
hun, in this world, money is everything and people are sold cheap. do you see mid-40 somethings listening to the new music?? now i don't exactly agree with the fact that all new music is bad... just some of it. however, teens will listen to practically anything and even if one doesn't, there is always another who will.