ForumsWEPRShould there be a license for parenting?

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79 posts

Every year, there are more and more cases of child abuse done by their own parents. Here and there, children are being brought up badly thus having an endless breed of parasites of the world. I believe that having a license to become a parent is necessary as it is with driving, carrying fire arms etc.

  • 36 Replies
22,207 posts

i think itd be WAY too much of a hassle. i mean, u shouldnt need a license just to raise a/your child. plus youd most likely have all kinds of fees and conditions attached to it...

8,257 posts

bullshit.. what you need are things like courses for those who just got parents, or will soon be. Something like a parent school if you want but without marks or failing or so. But a license is definitely too much; how about those who can't afford that license for example? Maybe they would be good parents but aren't allowed to..

3,085 posts

I believe that people should be required to pass some kind of test, other than the practical one of course, before being allowed to have children.

103 posts

Not everyone who has children are fit to parent well.

More needs to be considered than child abuse: current economy; capacity of the human race to flourish without destroying the earth and its resources; ability of the parents to supply all needs of current children and the potential for more; mental stability of parents; a way to provide the child with an education; intentions: why do they want the child?; etc.

To answer your question: yes. We've overstepped earth's capacity to sustain life on this planet and are draining the life from it. In my opinion, it is selfish of many people (not all, mind you) to have a child. Some have a child for the wrong reason(s): wanting to feel loved, wanting to feel needed, because they're cute, because their friends have one, because of peer or family pressure, and the list goes on.

Permits to reproduce would be an interesting thing. However, it also goes against human rights. I may agree with the concept, but there is absolutely no way it would ever be agreed upon unless the world was until the law of a single dictator or tyrant and they declared it so.

333 posts

Honestly, this world is full of licenses, before long you will need a license to even take a ****, there are so many rules & regulations, but guess what, we have police, we have social security, we have social services, we have the military, we have the FBI, MI5, CIA, you name it, we have some Law Abiding, Crime Fighting Government Agency.

The whole point of having them is to make the world safer, allow people to breath a little easier, but because this world is just one big Dollar Sign to the worlds leaders, the agencies are not used for the people, but for war, to create more money, so licenses are thrown in to 'reduce' or 'stop' crime or volatile areas in society.

Going back more on topic with 'Child License' tho, NSPCC is a Goverenment run group helping children have normal lives, picking them off the streets who have been made homeless, getting them out of abusive households.

All well and good, but one problem, they focus more on the children who are doing fine in life, who don't have abusive households, or who have a grand lifestyle.

When i was younger, my parents took me out of school for 1 week to go on a well deserved holiday, when we got back even WITH the schools agreement to allow time off, the Social Services were monitoring us, if I or my sister were to miss another day of school for the next 6 months, they will perform a household survey to find out the problem as to what is wrong with us. My sister also fell down our stairs and was rushed in to hospital, the same evening the social services were round our house, and took me in to a room asking if my parents were beating us, and were giving a checkup on me for external and internal bruising.

Now this may seem normal, but our household was perfectly fine, nothing went wrong at all, and we hardly had holidays, mine and my sisters attendance at school was always 99% on average, 20% over the average attendance, just because our parents cared for our education and well upbringing enough.

Yet 5 minutes down the street i had a friend who were slitting there wrists, attempting to jump out there window and hang themselves, they were taken in to hospital on several occasions a month due to severe cuts, and no one from the social services ever visited them or put them under watch to make sure everything was ok, there attendance at school was awful on top of that, yet us, the alright joe bloggs family were the ones being looked after when there was someone else needing it more urgently. The whole NSPCC is a load of Bull, and is pointless.

So after a long winded, and somewhat needed essay, No, licensing should not be put in place to just have a child, you can't teach a parent how to raise a child, not like you teach them to drive a car, everyone is bought up differently, which when it comes to their children, they either bring them up equally the same because they do not know how else to raise a child, or totally different to give them what they never had as a child.

I have a little one on the way and am already a step father to an 11 month old, the last thing i want is the government not only taking my money for taxes, not only making me abide by the awful regulations in life, but to then be told how to raise my child, when i know i am a perfectly fit father.

They think they can control us, but it will only ever take one person to destroy everything they have spent decades building, but in this day and age everyone is so afraid, soon enough we won't be allowed to leave our homes without a license of some sort.

End Of My Discussion.

1,621 posts

maybe a license to adopt a child but its not needed to raise the one you gave birth too

4,005 posts

Parenting has gotten no worse over the years. You simply hear about it more because information is so easily accessible and the majority of humans live in such close proximity to one another. If anything abuse has lessened over the past 100 years or so, but every news media seems to feel it's necessary to put a 10 minute segment in their program regarding every reported case they find out about.

263 posts

absoulutally not, that sounds like a socialist idea or like over in china where you can only have i kid, no gov. needs to stay out of human normal life, being a bad parent shouldn't be illegal, but if problems come from it then yes the gov. can step in, its like a given privilage, meaning you originally all start with the privilage but can lose it.

103 posts

[quote=Uproar"]So after a long winded, and somewhat needed essay, No, licensing should not be put in place to just have a child, you can't teach a parent how to raise a child, not like you teach them to drive a car, everyone is bought up differently, which when it comes to their children, they either bring them up equally the same because they do not know how else to raise a child, or totally different to give them what they never had as a child.[/quote]
Yes, actually, you can teach someone how to parent. You can teach them that abuse of all kinds is wrong. You can teach them that they need to care for and give attention to their children. You can teach them that their child's needs come before their own in the majority of circumstances. You can teach them how to handle many situations.

What one adult thinks is acceptable, because they do not know any different (or claim not to know), does not mean it is, in fact, all right. People can be taught; it's whether or not they accept and act upon the new information.

Even so, social services can only go after so much. 'Bad parenting' does not necessarily equate to 'illegal parenting'.

5,043 posts

Every year, there are more and more cases of child abuse done by their own parents. Here and there, children are being brought up badly thus having an endless breed of parasites of the world. I believe that having a license to become a parent is necessary as it is with driving, carrying fire arms etc.

Most people don't abuse their children, so let's not cater to the few who do. Not only that, but if you have to get a license, then there will be determined rights and wrongs which may conflict with many people's views. In a sense, a license on parenting means less freedom to raise your children the way you want to raise them.

Why are more kids being abused? It could possibly be due to the fact that more and more people are born into this world every day. The more people, the more problems. If more children are being abused percentage wise, then, that's too bad. Some evils must be tackled directly without binding the innocent to new rules and laws that limit their freedom.
110 posts

I don't know about a license for parenting, who would get to choose what the right and wrong way to parent a child would be? Also, there are plenty of people who have driver's licenses that break the law everyday, fining people won't stop the actual abuse if they are going to do it. Fining people will just make them poorer and more stressed and then angrier: which will lead to more abuse of the child (bad joke, I know, but it was too easy)

Also, who would enforce it? When people drive, the only way for a police officer to pull them over and ask for a license is if they do something wrong or look suspicious. Does this mean that the law can only be enforced if people are actually seen abusing their child? I think we already have laws against that, so the licensing just seems like an unnecessary hassle.

408 posts

The potential for abuse for a parent license system is increadibly high. This would be the dream of a government wanting to carry out an ethnic cleansing, no need for death camps, just steadily deny more and more licenses to certain racial groups. Hey, while we're at it, let's not let people who voted against us have kids, don't want them poluting the minds of the next generation.

Also, who would enforce it? Don't look at the police, their horribly overworked as it is. Social Services, now that's an accident waiting to happen. It'd end up being some Gestapo want-to-be government and/or private organization with way too much power that would use said power first chance it got. An enforcement program would cost billions as a large number of pregnancies are already unplanned and then what do you do with "illegal pregnancies", is that a term we even want entering our outside of science fiction vocabulary while we're on the subject? Well, all the people with licenses would already have kids, most wouldn't want the "unlicenseable", or as other peoples have called them "undesirables" children, so they'd have to be dealt with. This would lead to either forced abortions, another idea we don't want the government to entertain, or execuited young children.

In conclusion this idea is a horrible idea just begging for abuse. There are many things the government needs to stay out of and pregnancies and families are one of them. If the parents are beating their children half to death, starving them or really neglecting (to or near the point of death) them then let them step in but for the most part they need to keep out. Our society is letting the government have more and more power, something we will regret before too long.

1,573 posts

Wowzer... have we really got to this stage, when yougsters think its maybe good to licence an act of nature. Why dont you grade parents on a system where if they treat there child "correctly" then they will earn brownie points i.e. points with which to buy brownies so they can decide if they should feed it to their kids or keep it for themselves, they better be careful cos they might lose brownie points for giving the child over the chocolate limit. While we are at it lets make it compulsory to have a licence to drink clean water, that way all the poor people will die quicker! Dont forget to tax the air you breath.

All you are doing is adding a problem to a problem.
This does not make a solution.

1,361 posts

Q: Should there be a license for parenting?

A: Hell no.

Reason: Less Freedom = More Problems

4,005 posts

if there is a license to parent there should be a license to ****

Now that could actually be a good idea. Actually you are hinting at eugenics. Eugenics is the idea that procreation should be monitored and controlled by some form of governing body in order to ensure that the population of a species remains in check and that only the highest quality offspring of that species are produced. Now as immoral as that may seem to some of you, the likelihood of this ultimately being of a benefit to the species, especially as applied to humans, is extremely high.
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