ForumsWEPR[necro] The overall effect of religion on the world

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I've seen a lot of threads talking about religion in this section of the forums, and it seems that some people think it has a bad effect on the world and we should try to get rid of religion, whereas others believe religion hhas an overall good effect on the world.

In this thread, my aim is to discuss these two views, because I want to know what people think, and why they think what they think

Now I've created a very short survey here and would love it if you could take a couple of minutes answering it. Just answer as many questions as you want.

In a few days, I'll publish the results and we can discuss them. I hope I'll get plenty of participants

  • 126 Replies
5,043 posts

You see it that you have people who kill in the name of theism, and people who kill in the name of atheism. Almost nobody kills in the name of atheism, therefore theism causes more deaths than atheism.

Is that the only thing your mind can grasp? Can you not fathom that morality may play a role?

If the person you were talking about(atheist leader) was a religious man, he probably would have executed those people anyway.

If the person you were talking about (atheist leader) was a religious man, he probably would have executed less people.

And could you have picked a ****tier example? You just said that a religious man who killed 15000 people because god told him to is better than someone who just up and did it for political gains.

No, he said a man who killed 15,000 people because God told him to is better than someone who up and killed 500,000 people for political reasons.

Don't twist Calm's words around.

For sake of argument, let's assume we have a man who killed 15,000 people in the name of God and a man (atheist) who killed 15,000 people for political reasons.

Which one is worse?

They both killed 15,000 people! Why does it matter?

At least the atheist in this argument makes his intentions clear (he wants land,money,power,extermination of a certain group because he doesn't like them of people or simply that he's just bat **** insane).

Oh, so as long as they make their intentions clear, it makes them the better person.

There has to be a reason for why he did it and most likely it's not because he was an atheist!



Nobody kills in the name of "no god". Refer to the top of this post as to how close minded you are. According to Calm, religious leaders tend to execute less people than non-religious leaders.

Let's use your logic:

Theists kill in the name of theism, therefore theism is the cause of many deaths. Atheists do not kill in the name of atheism, therefore atheism is NOT the cause of many deaths.

Let's reverse killing into saving lives. Once again, using your logic.

Theists save people in the name of theism, therefore theism is the cause of many saved lived. Atheists do not save people in the name of atheism, therefore atheism is NOT the cause of many saved lives

This is why your argument is annoying.

To make a proper comparison, rather than compare the number of people killed/saved in the name of religion and atheism, you need to compare the number of people killed/saved under religious and non religious people. This is what Calm did.

Anyway, you failed to see the point.
340 posts

Nonome, I truly have doubts that the reason the theist believing leader would have killed less. By the way, who are these people we are talking about? Who are these people that these men are killed? Why did the atheist kill them? We know that the theist killed 15000 because some voice in the back of his head told him to(biggest lie.....ever), what was the motive of the atheist? Most likely it's because they were a threat to his power and religious or not, both men would have probably done the same. Religious or not, man are terrible creatures who are able of doing terrible things when given the opportunity. A man capable of killing 15000 people, is fully capable of killing 500000 (did not notice extra zero).

Though I don't believe this is relevant in any way to my point that humans are bastards I'll still share it: Noname, what happened over the last 1000 years? Anything horrible? In the name of a god? Or maybe just a land grab? Were there entire civilizations destroyed in the name of a book(we could have found another reason to do it anyway)? What would be the answer to that? Was it because they were Theists?If they were atheists, would they have killed more? Or is it because they were shitty and cruel human beings?

1 posts

OKay. Im behind i know all this was awhile ago. But wow. I am a HUGE Christian. major jesus freak right here. And everyone who is baggin on natural rice. you are showing him exactly what christians and ismiliar religions shouldnt do! We arent to judge anyone or descriminate to anybody. Evryone is created equally and he is right. There is alot of hypocrytical religious followers out there. So Natural rice i respect your veiws. whether you are religious or not you make alot of since. So everyone eklse, if you are gonna hate on what he has to saay, check your heart. Because when you stand in front of the father and he asked why you were mean to the kid that didnt believe, amd why you didnt love and respect him like he is your brother as we are to do everyone. what will you say,? So if you guys dont like my input im sorry. But I love all you guys and if you ever need me i am here and you can email me.
God bless guys.

3,086 posts

But I love all you guys

Serial killers too? I dislike the way some religious people talk about how they love everyone. Very hypocritical because they have always hated non believers or different people.
15,053 posts

OKay. Im behind i know all this was awhile ago. But wow. I am a HUGE Christian. major jesus freak right here. And everyone who is baggin on natural rice. you are showing him exactly what christians and ismiliar religions shouldnt do! We arent to judge anyone or descriminate to anybody. Evryone is created equally and he is right. There is alot of hypocrytical religious followers out there. So Natural rice i respect your veiws. whether you are religious or not you make alot of since. So everyone eklse, if you are gonna hate on what he has to saay, check your heart. Because when you stand in front of the father and he asked why you were mean to the kid that didnt believe, amd why you didnt love and respect him like he is your brother as we are to do everyone. what will you say,? So if you guys dont like my input im sorry. But I love all you guys and if you ever need me i am here and you can email me.
God bless guys.

just because that's what you believe doesn't mean it's what everyone else is, there's Hitler he was christian and he killed millions of jews, slavs, and others and there's the KKK.

the crusades, you can say "oh, well they weren't really christian" but they said they were so they are.
5,001 posts

Why was this necro'd? We definitely have plenty of these topics that are current.

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