I just heard the news, and there is this Islamic man and some crazy story saying that he is Osama Bin Laden's son! I'm not making this up or being like a terrorist, but that it some crazy news!
why is that. the son of his which is rumoured to be dead, was/is a member of the same terrorist organisation as his father. so if someone claims he could change the world, he has to count for a sarcastic response
O.O This is probably one of the very first threads I commented in...just two days after I joined. Maybe even the first. You are all witnessing Green12324 history, lol.
Who would be crazy enough to have a kid with Bin Laden?
Well I doubt that if you're married to a terrorist you're going to have much choice <.<
They are so many and important that have even a page at Wikipedia.
Of course they do. He's one of the most wanted, if not most wanted, terrorist in the world. And even before that the family was of very high status in Saudi Arabia I believe.
Did you guys ever stop and think that there is a reason why Osama is doing the things he is doing? Sure, terrorism is not the way to voice an opinion, but then again no one complained about him when he fought against the Soviet Union and we gave his cronies weapons. I think a lot of people hear disregard what and who Osama Bin Laden really is. He wants the United States and any other power to get their influences out of the middle east, I doubt he is just killing people because he has nothing better to do. And if we did execute Osama, he would become a martyr to some and that could perhaps increase terrorism. It's not that simple to say "Yeah let's kill that son of a female dog!". But that does not justify terrorism, Osama Bin Laden might as well be the Che Guevara of the Middle East.