Umm.. way to make no sense. You obviously have no knowledge of what communism really is or who is communist. However in response to the title, I hold that religion is the greatest evil in the world, not an economic principle.
bit biased much? most of the time its the GOVERNMENT thats communist or whatever and then their people must suffer from such biasing even if they dont agree wtih or support their government. same thing with Americans, americans are very steroeotyped by the actions of their government/country whether they support it or not.i'm not saying that communism is right, but
Umm.. way to make no sense. You obviously have no knowledge of what communism really is or who is communist. However in response to the title, I hold that religion is the greatest evil in the world, not an economic principle.
I agree with you my brother, the biggest threat is everyone not being Catholic. Also, we have to deal with Muslims, gays and make women accept their place and put them back in their place before we get someone deciding things for the country based on a Menopause hot flash. Oh, and Atheists. I agree with the OP that communism is a huge threat, and we should nuke the Chinese and Koreans before they nuke us. Also we should nuke the entire middle east, then we can begin building our economy again. Simple
Are you on drugs my lost brother? Why would you ask if I am real, you saw my post, correct? Of course I am real, not get off drugs and confess your sins to be saved.
Yeah, but they are the closest thing you get when it comes to today.
In that sense, you could call every country that claims communism the same. The people in power just say "Hey, we're communist, everything will be alright". Then they show their true colors, by becoming a dictator.
For everyone saying "Communism is good on paper, but never works irl", thanks but all you are doing is pointing out the obvious. Back to the thread, maybe I overlooked it, but I'm surprised no one has pointed out racism. If you ask me, discrimination and racism are the purest and truest forms of evil....
Yeah, but they are the closest thing you get when it comes to today
China is still technically supposed to be communist but it has relaxed a whole lot in it's economical and financial laws. It's basically not even communist anymore if you think about it.