On August 27th at 12:30 am Mars is supposed to get extremly close to the earth and will look like we have two moons. This won't be this close again.(until 2287 so no one alive today will see it again.)What do you think about it? Personally I think this will be really cool!!!
I don't eat dairy, so most likely I will, in fact, be alive in 2287.
Also, this event happened in 2003. Saw it. Been there, done that. It was very cool to see it then, truly, and it occurred in the summer of that year. Mars is very neat to look at that closely. This occurs every 79 years, or thereabouts.
Forecast for tonight is extremely cloudy with heavy rain and zero visibility of the night sky.
Thats great but how many billion times has the weather network been wrong and you probably live somewhere different than me. Also NASA might have some great picture of it.
I don't mean to burst your bubble, but: [quoteA valid email sent in 2003 has spawned hoax emails in later years saying that Mars will soon (usually 27 August of the current year) make its closest approach for thousands of years (as indeed happened in 2003), and will look as big as the Moon (nonsense][/quote]
Have you actually ever seen Mars with the naked eye? It's slightly bigger than a star (And looks like one) and twinkles red. It will not appear like a second moon, that's a bit of an overstatement.
That was a joke, lion.
Epic fail. Took me about three seconds to figure that out.
I don't eat dairy, so most likely I will, in fact, be alive in 2287.
Yeah, I believe you on that.
I find this about as cool as Venus passing in front of the Sun from a viewpoint on Earth... Exciting but well, not really interesting. And it seems the news is a bit off by 250 years...
[quoteA valid email sent in 2003 has spawned hoax emails in later years saying that Mars will soon (usually 27 August of the current year) make its closest approach for thousands of years (as indeed happened in 2003), and will look as big as the Moon (nonsense]
[quote="SubZero131"]Also about the dairy, is dairy bad for you or something? Thought milk was good.[/quote] Off-Topic: When you're lactose intolerant, it's better to not eat the dairy. /off-topic
[quote="unlimitedpower"]Have you actually ever seen Mars with the naked eye?[/quote] Perhaps not. freakymonkey is 15, so the last possible time he would have seen this, at the age of 8, I don't imagine he would have much remembered it. I barely remember it and I was 19.
And, as Avorne posted, it's an e-mail hoax. It's an exciting prospect and would be very cool to see Mars a bit closer again in this lifetime, but I would suggest going to Astronomy shindigs when you can--the Grand Canyon Star Party is absolutely brilliant. I went a couple years ago and would go again. I got the chance to see Saturn through a ridiculously powerful--and an astronomer's personal--telescope. If you're into astronomy, and like Arizona, I would highly recommend attending. Seeing Mars that way was brilliant... and everything else.