If you believe we will just find another excuse to fight each other, why do you think there would be a reduction in wars if religion was eliminated?
Because religion is used to garner support for many wars, and it is manipulated to swell the ranks of the groups fighting in them. Sure, humans will always find reasons to kill one another, but when ~80% of the world's population is religious it's fairly easy to see why it is such a powerful tool to gain support or claim reasons for the wars.
FYI, i came from a part of lodnon considered a 'slum' and find your simpliiistic portrait of the urban poor as uneducated fairly insulting.
I'm not sure how it is in London, but as you can see I used examples here in America, areas where I myself have been personally. I do not say that all poor are uneducated, however if you look at the overall level of education in these areas you will find it well below the average in areas which are more affluent.
It would still however be a religion. Religion isnt defined by mainstream doctrine, but is merely a belief system.
Let's take a look at a few things here before we call science a religion:
Religion:Religion is often described as a communal system for the coherence of belief focusing on a system of thought, unseen being, person, or object, that is considered to be supernatural, sacred, divine, or of the highest truth.
Belief:That state of the mind by which it assents to propositions, not by reason of their intrinsic evidence, but because of authority.
Scientific process does not, nor does it require belief. It is based on evidence. Observable, demonstrable, testable, and verifiable facts. Accepting fact is not belief, and belief often exists in contradiction to fact, or at the very least in spite of a lack of facts.
There also needs be no ceremony, tradition, worship, prayer, or communion needed for science to be applied in our lives, and as I said, strict adherence to scientific method in all areas of our lives would require an elimination of dogmatic practices, especially those rooted in superstition.
Until you provide me with some evidence for these claims, i have no reason to believe you.
Evidence of what? That we are monkeys? Or that they have brains nearly as evolved as ours? Obviously you don't follow science too closely or you would already know that.
Information on HumansAbout the theory of MindHumans and Monkeys share Machiavellian IntelligenceAnd then let's look at the phylogenetic classification of the clades which humans occupy. If you look back to our previous ancestors you will see that Anthropoida are monkeys, and thus every species thereafter are also monkeys, meaning that we, the apes, and the modern monkeys are ALL monkeys despite our usage of the term today outside of scientific fields:

I dont deny it. I merely do not believe it nearly has as much affect on the world as you seem to, especially in modern times.
So the conflict in the Gaza area, the Jihadists blowing themselves up, the fundamentalist Christians trying to ban anything which doesn't conform with their faith, the Creationists trying to teach our children theistic doctrine as fact in our schools just to name a few. These are not major issues caused by religion? I fail to see how religion is NOT an issue in the modern world.
Youve answered your own question there. Its because they are zealots. And actually, the people who order suicide bombs at the top of al qaeda cells and the like never use their own family members, underlining their hypocrisy, but thats another story.
Yes I am aware of their hypocrisy and the function of their methods. And the fact remains that they are
religious zealots and they manipulate the religious faith of those who they recruit as bombers and soldiers in order to bend them to their will. It would be fairly safe to assume that if these recruits were not religious they would not fall sway to the poisonous ideals of the leaders of these groups.
Almost any ideology can be used to start wars. Just look at the us in iraq and afghanistan, invading on the basis of spreading democracy. Since that is also a tool for garnering the support of the masses, shouldnt that be considered dangerous and need to be outlawed?
We invaded on many other reasons than 'spreading democracy' and while I don't agree with our presence their I have seen the people in these nations who are very appreciative that they have a chance to be free. That ideal I agree with, although I don't agree that we have taken it upon ourselves to police the world. In that sense I do agree with you. Any widely held belief system which cannot be disproved with fact is dangerous. It inspires extremists and zealots and must monitored carefully lest it become a tool of control.