ForumsWEPRhomeschooling or public school?

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23 posts

I went to public school all through elementary school but from middle school on I have been homeschooled. I personally like homeschooling better but I want to know what you all think and why.

I like homeschooling because:
1. It leaves me with more free time to do what I want.
2. I can go however fast or slow I want to.

  • 38 Replies
23 posts

I have been homeschooled all my life, and have loved it. The way I get my 'sociality' is from co-ops; There is one called HATS (Homeschool Academic Teaching Support) where they have classes that parents can put their children into for teaching things that they do not know well themselves. I have a ton of friends and I can still have a lot of free time. We play a lot of Ultimate Frisbee and stuff like that, or simply talk to friends, when we're not in class. I love it.
This is what I do. I go to a co-op for two days a week, there are other parents there who teach whatever my parnts can't. the rest of the week I do the work for when we meet again. Also I am getting plenty of social interaction and that whole...
different beliefs, cultures, and ideas and learning how to deal with that and thrive in that type of environment
75 posts

Really, my personal opinion on homeschooling is that I prefer homeschool. Loneliness, social interaction... all of that are exaggerations. If you are lonely in homeschooling, go to a co-op. I go to a co-op. I go two days a week and complete homework over the rest of the week.
You don't have a time limit when homeschooled. You can finish off your homework as early or late as you want. If you finish early, you can do whatever you want for the rest of the day. If you feel like being lazy, you can make it last throughout the entire day.
I went to public school in kindergarten. Every morning before school when my mom woke me up, I would say I didn't want to go. I hated public schooling. The older kids threatened me and chased me. Half the time I was scared to death. Yes, you can say it was just kindergarten, but I will stay with homeschooling.
When homeschooled, you can work at your own risk. You don't have to be stuck with all the other kids who aren't as good as you.
That's why I like homeschooling. Previous school year (it's summer ) I was in sixth grade, doing eighth grade work and I loved it.
I have made invaluable friends at our co-op. Our writing teacher taught us how to do expository essays... college-level. I loved that class. I still do. The teacher was always so happy and fun, and on Mondays she took us to a donut shop.

If my family hadn't switched to homeschooling, where would I be now?
I don't know. I only know that it was the best choice we ever made. Our history teacher taught us about Communism, Marxism, and the core values of a nation. He was the best teacher I've ever had. We didn't read textbooks in any class but science (previous year science was learning about how batteries are made, and we built our own batteries. Fun!).

I'm sorry about this huge-long post, but I wanted to express my feelings on this issue.

I hope this helps.

4,005 posts

And what do you learn about working with deadlines? Or being forced to cooperate with people who you may not get along with? With a co-op typically the students are quite similar. Very intelligent, usually with social problems in public school, and studious workers. However this still doesn't teach you the social skills which you need. It is better than not going to a co-op, but there are many things which are still lacking.

75 posts

MRWalker, did I say there weren't people I have to deal with? I didn't say that.
Of course you have deadlines when homeschooled. Of course we have deadlines, tests, trials, social problems and helpfulness!

When you say there aren't annoying or problematic kids I have to deal with when I go there, it... just don't say that, okay? Don't.
I'm sorry, but I am not going into detail on that subject, but you can trust me when I say that social matters in my co-op are not all bliss and candy.
Everybody has to deal with people like you mentioned.


333 posts

I don't know.

I've done both.

In school, you need to go at the same pace as everyone else, but your able to socialize and treat it like work.

Homeschooling, you can do it however you want in your own time, and work it around life, but socialized is limited and you miss out on those school years to be honest.

It's a win lose opinion really.

9,821 posts

For most kids, homeschooling is basically social harikari. Co-ops are nothing compared to the complex social interactions that take place at a public school - homeschooling provides social interaction, yes, but on a much smaller level. Like Avorne said, a mixture would be best for most kids. The raw knowledge from homeschooling mixed with the plethora of social knowledge from public school.

Social interactions at my middle school are very complex, and I would be much more like Artemis Fowl and much less like a well-adjusted human being if I wasn't in public school.

344 posts

if you think about it. Homeschooling is a good idea but, you cant make as many friends. so thats the only reason i like public school is because no matter what you can always have friends with you after all of the emotional abuse O.o

1,989 posts

At Public School , You learn to socialize and make new friends.

Homeschooling , You probably could concentrate more because it's quiet and it's a more comfortable environment but it lacks of Socializing with different people.

17 posts

Homeschooling you can socialize actually just go to events in town or travel very simple homeschooling in my opinion is the best thing to happen in life if you ask or democratic schools.

1,751 posts

Co-ops are nothing compared to the complex social interactions that take place at a public school

Sometimes the teachers organise a co-ops in the school. It's plain stupid and all the kids hate it and laugh in its face. In homeschooling you get too much ideas from your parents and too little from other people.
996 posts

In homeschooling you get too much ideas from your parents and too little from other people.

Not true. My worldview and beliefs are nothing like my parents.
38 posts

I belive homeschooling is better, mostly because I process and think different than most people.

Public school is just pressure, peer pressure.

Home School = Alot better at least for me.

Though I am in a public school at my senior year, so oh well, no turning back now.

3,085 posts

Or here's another idea - only allow homeschooling after the age of 10. At this point most of the worries about 'social-skills' and 'learning about different cultures' should have dissipated because the child will have had chance to be with other people.

4,005 posts

only allow homeschooling after the age of 10. At this point most of the worries about 'social-skills' and 'learning about different cultures' should have dissipated because the child will have had chance to be with other people.

At 10 you don't even know who you are or what your beliefs are. How is interaction at this age comparable to that of the high school age?

Home schooling is great for being able to work at your own pace and retain the material, however public schooling, especially at the high school level, is as close as you are going to get to what college and the workplace are like. If you are going to be successful there then you really need the skills you learn in public school. That's not to say that you can't succeed without public school, but only that the transition is likely to be much more difficult for someone who has been homeschooled, even at a co-op.
3,085 posts

By age 10 you've developed at least the starting blocks for good social skills and development and I'd say I for one knew quite well who I was and what I believed by age 10.

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