ForumsWEPRFlash Games

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As more and more flash games come out, ive been spending less and less time on my actual WII and spending more time playing these free online games and discussing them. Do you think, as more and more flash games are released, and they get better and better, that they might someday overshadow regular systems?


  • 26 Replies
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472 posts


10,816 posts

Mega said:

The gaming market is part of the mainstream, sure. But hardcore gamers are still a select few

Oh yeah, true. I've bundled the two up as one and the same, my bad.

Lemme clarify myself, then, the gaming market for consoles and dedicated gaming experience has expanded both in terms of the hardcore gamers, and demographic groups who have been newly introduced to the world of gaming (according to market research, Wii has reportedly been linked to a sudden influx of interest from the middle-aged and elderly groups).

I see flash gaming as something that is almost invariably incidental to other activities. Whereas I would have to boot up a console and thus the act involves the intention of gaming, it seems that loading a flash game is more likely to be something I would do if I was procrastinating or got distracted doing something else.

There are games that break this mould by presenting themselves as an actual dedicated commercial-standard game (some of the stuff hosted on shockwave, for example), but the relative limitation is undeniable.
3,722 posts

Yes as they get better and better they will absolutely take over game systems.

They are way better, can be way more fun, a lot RPG which is way more appealing, and not to mention free!

Even i have given up on all my consoles and spend my time on sites (mostly Armor Games) that have flash games.

Yes my friends flash games are taking over.

1,281 posts

If they turn more deep they will for sure

1,186 posts

yea i seem to play flash games more. although when friends come over (unless they make more multiplayer games) video games will always win.

1,482 posts

Sony Sucks? Wow, You have serious issues. xP

Sorry, Man, One of the Best companies out their. I've trusted them for everything thats expensive. Our LCD TV was supposed to die off a Year ago, Its still running. Go Sony's. XP

Anyway, For one, as great as PC Improvised Gaming can be, there is no beating Console games. I say this because they can now be improved through the net at a rate at which a PC couldn't do, the console itself has more capabilities. The best things in life may be free, but Game-Wise the Best things in life cost a crapload. xP

There are RPG's for Console games, expeccially Folk Lore for PS3. I has a friend that has it, Its a rather weird game, but nonetheless RPG. xP

Anyway, I have thinks like Counter Strike, as fun as they are and I could play them for Hours, they're easier to run, cheaper, and Flash games are a fast speedy play up, Console games have the long run inside them that can keep you going whether your hardcore or not. I'm still surviving off of CoD4. Halo is enough to keep my buddy with his evil 360 alive for a week if he wanted. xP
Games that hit the spot are generally hilarious, Fun, and AMAZING. Theres no doubting that PC games own and have some upgradable stats, but the consoles are powering a boost into the Gaming Generation and by going into the online area they are killing the PC.

Main Top known game makers are running out of Ideas, when Books died out in Europes Dark Ages, they came back in the renaissance. Think of us in Gaming Dark ages with little games that own, and soon a big fat burst. New designers come in, Old used ones leave. :P Even though, Tom Clancy Owns, and I can't wait till I save up for Rainbow Six Vegas2
[I owns a PS3 ^^]

2,763 posts

I say this because they can now be improved through the net at a rate at which a PC couldn't do, the console itself has more capabilities. The best things in life may be free, but Game-Wise the Best things in life cost a crapload. xP

Your saying your game don't get updated through you internet connect like your console games do? That's one untruth.

No PC is always more flexible than the console. Notice how you don't really have an options menu on a console game or that you don't really get any mods or the fact that most computers are stronger than 5+ year old consoles? Two untruths.

I have thinks like Counter Strike, as fun as they are and I could play them for Hours

Really you couldn't play a sold multiplayer game for hours on end? I hope your talking solely about yourself and not generalizing to the public itself. Or that would be a third untruth.

But the consoles are powering a boost into the Gaming Generation and by going into the online area they are killing the PC.

Have you ever heard of games like Startcraft, Wow or even the digital distribution steam that sales games of all times like hotcakes? PC gaming is far from dead only misinformed casual gamers could say that. Fourth untruth.

Basically Armed_Blade you should start all your post with "IMO" since you obviously don't not understand the whole scope of gaming beyond your false ideals and limited scope of a ps3.

All one needs to do is look at your about and see how biased you are really.

XBOX Live: EX BOX SUCKS [Just a bit]
Wii: Pfft
PS3: Armed_Darky
SteamID: PS3 rules. [ Thats the real PS3 account, seriously, dude, not lying.] - No steam ID>
1,482 posts

I'm so curious, How far back did you go into the archive to find this, Darkroot?

I'm 16, meaning I made that post when I was around 13. Furthermore, I made that 'about section' when I was around 12.
Also, I took my sister's college card, bought myself a Dell XPS and an xBox a month ago.
I've had a Steam ID for quite a long time.
I tried Starcraft, but the few people I knew that played it were too pro and I didn't think I had the time to get into it.
WoW looks like super runescape, and runescape sucked my fifth grade life away so not going there.

You can suck on these glorious untruth's you've found. I could really care less. They're three years old, and you're either just trying to make me look stupid or you really care about you PC. Whatever the case, all you're really doing is wasting your time.

1,482 posts

Just forgot to point out, Darkroot, that this was not talking about PC games, but Flash Games. Starcraft/WoW will never run on armorgames as a little box that opens up on Google Chrome. If that is to ever happen, then I'm sure I'll be living in some insanely sweet futureworld where my Xbox[random number] or Ps [random number] or PC will do something cooler.

1,143 posts

why is this in the WEPR?

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