All the achievements that aren't exactly what it says on the tin (or label in the walkthrough) or something you will most likely get without even trying.
31) Thirsty - Drink some water 32) Save the Whales - Drink all the water * These two are done with the water bottle next to the hamster wheel in your Home.
36) One... - Go once over the wheel 37) Two... - Go twice over the wheel 38) Three... - Go three times over the wheel 39) Four... - Go four times over the wheel 40) Five! - Go five times over the wheel * How to: Get on the hamster wheel, run it till it's at max speed, stop running, whoosh.
46) Corpse Loop - Get a corpse into an infinite loop * Panic Button ftw.
126) Relapse - Panic while touching a checkpoint * Is occasionally buggy, but just hit Panic a few times on every floor until you get it.
128) Clicky - Click click clickaroo * Cliiiiick.
133) So Happy! - Make a happy face with keyboard letters * Very annoying on keyboards that aren't of the default English layout. Just keep hitting the keys.
136) Waltzing Ma - Push the tilda key (~) 137) Partial Colon - Push the semicolon * Also annoying on different keyboards. Keep pressing those buttons.
144) Ode to Joy - Play Ode to Joy on the Piano 145) Twinkle Twinkle - Play Twinkle Twinkle (Little Star) on the Piano 146) Row Row Row Your Boat - Play Row your Boat on the Piano * E, E, F, G, G, F, E, (D) * Low C, low C, G, G, A, A, G * Low C, low C, low C, D, E
153) Fort Alpha - Find Hidey Hole 1 * Lower middle of first floor, in the "room" "blocked" by a launcher. 154) Fort Beta - Find Hidey Hole 2 * Upper left of first floor, under the spikes.
155) Fort Gamma - Find Hidey Hole 3 * Middle of second floor. Straight to the left of the respawn point. 156) Fort Delta - Find Hidey Hole 4 * Upper left part of second floor, in the lower of the two long paths.
157) Fort Zeta - Find Hidey Hole 5 * Upper left part of third floor, in the hard to reach half-room. 158) Fort Eta - Find Hidey Hole 6 * Right side of third floor, in the lower of the indentations in the wall.
159) Fort Theta - Find Hidey Hole 7 * Middleish of fourth floor. Jump straight up and go right from the respawn point. 160) Fort Iota - Find Hidey Hole 8 * Upper right part of fourth floor. Right under those spikes in the "tough to jump to" spot.
161) Fort Kappa - Find Hidey Hole 9 * Fifth floor, upper right part, pretty much where you will land if you manage to avoid the spikes by the elevator launcher. 162) Fort Lambda - Find Hidey Hole 10 * To the lower far left on fifth floor. Really, it's almost too obvious that there is something in that spot.
177) RGB - Stop the reels on Elephant, Llama, Giraffe * If you hadn't caught on: Elephant = Red, Llama = Green, Giraffe = Blue, and Emu = Yellow.
192) EleClick - Hey, that tickles! * Click the elephant.
193) Won't Follow Directions - You just had to do it... * Right click the game, disobey the "Don't Click Here".
202) I Can't Live With This - Die outside * Took me a while to remember the panic button here.
204) Two Browser Windows - Open two browser windows of the same game * The same game being Achievement Unlocked 2. Oh snap!
205) Break Time! - Find the hot coffee feature * This will make sense once you do the above. 213) The Final Straw - Stand on top of the straw * In the secret secret room accessed from the coffee feature.
221) Hey, a Pastry! - Poop a Pastry * Spacebar.
235) Aww Poor Puppy - Look hopeless * I think you just have to stand around for a bit, not 100% sure on this, though.
Thar. That should be all the not-so-obvious ones. Now stop asking already! D:
I'm not sure if this just cuz I used the walkthrough or what but I've only ever gotten EVERY SINGLE ACHIEVEMENT the one time I played online with my brother. No wait I used the video walkthrough so yeah nvm.
The piano ones aren't working for me. I've gotten "Ode to Joy" (thanks to the explanations of starting with G, I think), but I can't get "Twinkle Twinkle" or "Row Row Row Your Boat."
I can manage to jump on the keys in the right order, but it's not giving me the achievement. Is there a certain way you have to get onto a piano key in order for it to count? Like does it have to be a jump, not a step-onto-it-from-the-side? Do you have to no step on any other keys beforehand since last dying? Do you have to land on them from no more than a certain height?
I've played this game before, on a different computer even, and even back then I could get all the achievements EXCEPT these. They're all that's standing between me & winning the game.