ForumsWEPRCalifornia Prop 8 Overturned

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3,085 posts

That's right folks, Proposition 8 - the ban on Gay marriage in California has been Overturned by a federal judge today:

Here's the Link

So - this could have potentially nationwide ramifications for Gay marriage and the banning thereof.

What are your views on the overturning? Do you think this could affect the rules on Gay marriage throughout the USA? Is this the breakdown of society and the coming of the end?

Personally - I think this is one of the best things that could ever have happened in California and it's effects on the whole of the USA could change the country forever.

  • 98 Replies
194 posts

so any problems with what im saying, please point them out and ill try to fix them

You're homophobic.
151 posts

My wife and I would not have been married if it weren't for all the legal crap. We could care less about holy matrimony. But because I could not see her in the hospital if something where to happen to her, or a million other instance I can't think of right now that you benefit from being married. I know that some argue that it is a sin and that's why there so hard up to keep same sex out. I am not a church going person and I don't believe deciding to live with somebody for the rest of your life has to have anything to do with being a christian. So in the eyes of the church I don't see how 2 devil worshipers of opposite sex would be OK to be married but if they are not of same sex, no way in hell. I have not heard one legitimate reason for why same sex marriage is bad. So why is this even an issue? What am I missing?

9,504 posts

also, it would be even worse for a kid in that situation if his parents tried to make him gay. for that, i hope that the parents and the bullys leave the kid's sexuality to him/herself. Thats for the kid to determine.

The point of proposition 8 is to give homosexuals EQUALITY. Not just allowing them to marry, but to also legally make them equal and accepted by law. We had this same deal 50 years ago with black people and certain other ethnic backgrounds. And I get what you're saying. Doesn't mean because it's federally legal doesn't mean they will be accepted right away. It takes time. Something like a homosexual Martin Luther King. If we need another idealistic Mohandas Gandhi to bring together millions of people, using organized protests and speeches in order to get gay equality accepted, then let's let that happen.

it isn't some form of illness that can be passed on.

Again with the "homosexuality is abnormal" s***....

I have not heard one legitimate reason for why same sex marriage is bad. So why is this even an issue? What am I missing?

I have no clue Sickcroon...Whenever homosexuality is the topic of discussion, I hear religion and phobia. But, on some rare occasion, when the blue moon is jumping over the fat man driving a moped, someone will actually discuss the actual definition of "marriage". You see children, marriage, by definition, is "legal union of a couple between a man and a woman". It's even in my law textbook!

I say the definition should be changed.
618 posts

Either way it's a travesty to democracy.

[quote]Actually, it's justice in action. Majority rule is neither just nor keeping with American constitutional democracy. If the people of California voted for, say, racial segregation, it wouldn't matter if 70% of Californians were for it. There's no reason rights should be denied to anyone of any race, so the court overturns the law.

You can't be a judge in california and say what is going on at the country's level. You can only say what's going on at the state level and the judge said it violated the US constitution but that's outside his jurisdiction. He could only say if the state law violated state constitution and it doesn't.

The federal level doesn't want to make a constitutional ammendment about marriage or gay rights and has said to give states the choice about it. So I see this getting reversed all over again.

so any problems with what im saying, please point them out and ill try to fix them

You're homophobic.

All I was saying is that gays come from heterosexual parents, since their the only ones who could reproduce. So you really don't have an arguement to fear kids of gay parents getting to be gay because of it. The only reason is that God says it's a sin, and they are going to hell. Marriage is a covenant between the married couple and God, and you can't have a covenant if you've decided to sin against God's law like that. God don't unite devil worshippers. That's why they will never be allowed to marry.
3,085 posts

You know what? Screw all you Christians - I might go and burn down some churches. I'm getting so sick of you weighing up Homosexuality like it's breaking one of the 10 commandments - it is a sin that if your stupid God existed then I'm quite sure he'd forgive - Jesus taught loving your fellow man and neighbour (perhaps not quite that literally but you get my point).

3,085 posts

Why the hell were you shouting at me? The topic of discussion is the overturning of Prop. 8 and by extension the fact that Homosexuals can now marry in California. I admit I got sidetracked and talked about Gay adoption but I was still defending homosexuals - so why on earth did you decide to take exception to my comment?

9,504 posts

The only reason is that God says it's a sin, and they are going to hell. Marriage is a covenant between the married couple and God, and you can't have a covenant if you've decided to sin against God's law like that. God don't unite devil worshippers. That's why they will never be allowed to marry.

Good thing you can have an unsanctioned marriage...I really do think that both God and the Christian religion is taking this issue too far. Devil Worshipers? Really? Come on here!

Why the hell were you shouting at me?

Err....that was supposed to be another sentence by itself... ^^"

The other sentence I was referring to was a no-no though. Being gay is not an illness, abnormality, or any other insinuation that it is "outta whack yo".
4,220 posts

Majority rule is neither just nor keeping with American constitutional democracy

Doesn't make it not a travesty to democracy. They voted for it, let them have it.

But then that leaves the homosexuals in the dust.

So either way we have it, it's a travesty.
618 posts

The other sentence I was referring to was a no-no though. Being gay is not an illness, abnormality, or any other insinuation that it is "outta whack yo".

Well what is it then? You have to answer that question to know if it can be made a constitutional right. As of now they don't know how to divide up gay groups from just some people's choice of living their lives. If you can't do that, then prop 8 will get reversed again.
340 posts

Screwing around with genes create lesbian mice O.O

Yeah yeah, it was mice and not humans.....blah blah blah

9,504 posts

Well what is it then?

Being gay cannot be a choice, whether or not people say it is. A person cannot decide to be gay even though his true calling is being heterosexual. Therefore, it is a mutation of genes. It is the same reason how people either have blue eyes, brown eyes, or green eyes. It is a mutation of genes to have either of them. So, assuming that being gay is not a choice, there is something in the make-up of human physiology that determines whether or not that human will have a hetero or homosexual attraction. It is not an illness, it is not an abnormality, it is a mutation, and there's nothing wrong with it.

You have to answer that question to know if it can be made a constitutional right.

Since I have answered the question, it can be a constitutional right, whether it is State or Federal. Ethics or morals have no place in law, even though it pretty much determines what is written. This whole proposition is saying that homosexuals have the RIGHT to be EQUAL CITIZENS.

And I have realized, Yielee, that you are using religion to back up your arguments. By using God and Christianity as an example as to why gay marriage shouldn't be legalized, you are interfering with one of the most important constitutional amendments ever written by our Founding Fathers: the first one. In order to perfect a balance of complete objectivity, religion must be trashed from any bounds of law, because it is a means of influence among peoples. It also cannot be restricted, because it is the peoples' right to have one. You see where I'm getting at? Religious people cannot use religion to back up their claims/arguments in topics of law, because it is unconstitutional.
1,360 posts

You know what? Screw all you Christians - I might go and burn down some churches. I'm getting so sick of you weighing up Homosexuality like it's breaking one of the 10 commandments - it is a sin that if your stupid God existed then I'm quite sure he'd forgive - Jesus taught loving your fellow man and neighbour (perhaps not quite that literally but you get my point).

I like this post.

Also, gays should be allowed to do whatever the hell the rest of us can do, within the law of course xP
Christians, suck it.
1,532 posts

You know what? Screw all you Christians - I might go and burn down some churches. I'm getting so sick of you weighing up Homosexuality like it's breaking one of the 10 commandments - it is a sin that if your stupid God existed then I'm quite sure he'd forgive - Jesus taught loving your fellow man and neighbour (perhaps not quite that literally but you get my point).

=( I love you too Avorne

Im christian, and i have no problems with gays getting married. It has absolutely no effect on my life at all, and i dont see why people get all worked up about it. Sure, in the eyes of religious people its a sin, but we need to wake up and realize that this is the 21st century, and that we need to stop forcing older ways on people who dont believe them.

Just live your life and stop worrying about other people.
618 posts

You can't just make being gay determined by genes just on your say so. That's ridiculous. The science says it starts with child abuse.

340 posts

You can't just make being gay determined by genes just on your say so. That's ridiculous. The science says it starts with child abuse.

Lesbian mice created by messing around with genes!!!

Yeah yeah, it's mice and not humans..........blah blah blah
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