Donations are questionable, but I'll look past the flaws of many charities, such as (possibly) this one, and automatically assume the donation part is good. The whole idea behind the 40 hour famine is to "go without food or something else that really matters to you for 40 hours and raise money for kids living in poverty overseas." Basically, if you aren't donating money, then you need to be honest with yourself and understand that you aren't helping out with the cause at all, even if you are starving yourself.
I have a feeling most people starving themselves for 40 hours won't be donating any money. Some will, I'm sure, but I bet most won't. Starving yourself for 40 hours won't make a difference what-so-ever. Even if you do donate money, you won't make any further changes simply by starving yourself. In fact, you should reward yourself with a nice big dinner.
If going without food makes you feel better about yourself, then go ahead. Just remember that it's not making a positive impact on those who are actually are starving.
This raises the issue why should i help someone else when i cant even help myself. EG Is it justifiable for a country to donate money during this finacial crisis?
This raises the issue why should i help someone else when i cant even help myself. EG Is it justifiable for a country to donate money during this finacial crisis?
Considering it's not the government making the donations, then it doesn't matter. It's your money after all. I also don't see how being in a financial crisis effects anything. If you donate money, that money is used for food, supporting farmers. It's really just redistributing your money.
The only problem with charities is that they tend to keep a percentage of what is donated for themselves. I'm not sure if this organization does that.
Non-Profit organizations, if everyone doesn't know, DOES keep a hefty percentage for themselves, because they need to pay the people who are doing this work, they can't just live off being a charitable person, it doesn't work that way. People who give their lives to charity get paid through charity organizations, not much, but enough to survive.
As for this 40 hour famine, that is so stupid. All you are doing is making people who WERE going to donate not donate thinking they are helping instead by fasting for 40 hours. It's not like the food you don't eat is going to Africa, or the government donates for every person who famines. Anyone who is fasting for no apparent reason and thinks they are helping, you are literally being just as useful as someone who refuses to donate to any charity. That's right you are Hitler.
With the 40 hour famine you get sponsered by other to do the 40 hour faminon. Its a big thing in Australia and all the school kids do it. So no one is doing it for free.
Oh, the 40 hour famine! We do it at school by having a "sleepover" at the school and consuming nothing but water, juice, or soda. But I sort of believe that it is futile.
With the 40 hour famine you get sponsered by other to do the 40 hour faminon. Its a big thing in Australia and all the school kids do it. So no one is doing it for free.
I don't think anyone is actually sponsored as an individual. Maybe a school as a whole, but not an individual. I just don't see how I'm going to be sponsored if I decide to stop eating for 40 hours. Are you telling me that someone will find me and say "Hey, we are sponsoring you!"
That's ridiculous and I'm quite certain it won't happen.
With the 40 hour famine you get sponsored by other to do the 40 hour famine. Its a big thing in Australia and all the school kids do it. So no one is doing it for free.
I mean, if by chance someone does sponsor me, then how the hell do they know if I'm not lying? I don't buy the sponsor thing AT ALL.
It is not like you are getting sponsored by a company, in fact sponsor is not the right word. the Idea is that you will talk to people that you know and ask if they will donate money to World Vision. Going without food is not the main part but it helps you to realise what people in poverty are going through. Also, if you are a christian you are called to fast from time to time so the 40 hour famine has a double positive.
It is not like you are getting sponsored by a company, in fact sponsor is not the right word. the Idea is that you will talk to people that you know and ask if they will donate money to World Vision. Going without food is not the main part but it helps you to realise what people in poverty are going through. Also, if you are a christian you are called to fast from time to time so the 40 hour famine has a double positive.
Okay, that makes more sense. Getting other people to donate for you. That changes everything. However, I still feel many people will be spreading the word to fast rather than to donate.
All in all, the fasting isn't really doing anything. It's symbolism, but people need to realize that that's all it is. It's a symbol. Without actually donating or getting people to donate (which you don't need to fast to get others to donate), you aren't really doing anything to help anyone.
Guys, I did it this year, and it is the 30 hour famine, trust me on that. And it is about getting donations, that's the main point. Plus it does help you learn what the rest of the world goes through.