There have been reports that the black plague is again in the streets of the world. Apparently a 14 year old has died. I thought this was a dead disease.. But what would happen if it spread again like it did back in the medieval ages? And why do you think it just resurfaced now?
Last time it came around, we tried to fight it off using incense and prayer. This time we would be using modern medicine and quarantine. If properly handled, and if its not in a terribly poor country, then it should be of little threat. It will probably have a similar effect to the swine flue that came just a little bit ago.
Most likely, more panic than real issue. What caused it to spur up again now? Have people not been getting vaccinated for it anymore? Has it evolved? I don't know where exactly these cases were reported, but I read there were 31 a few days ago.
the bubonic plague killed millions of people i believe half of Europe? but while it is a bit scary the notion, modern medicine should be able to handle any outbreaks, unless,as alt said, it reaches a generally undeveloped country and infects a lot of people very fast.
The plauge was spread to europe by the mongrals when they attacked and used catapults to catapult dead bodys over city walls in what is now present day turky. traders carried infected rats to other port citys, helping it spread. since half to 25% of Europeans died, those that survived had better natural antibodies. There have been other outbreaks throughout history of the same plauge, with lower percentages of fatalities because people gained immunity and that passed down from generation to generation. If another outbreak were to occur today, the number of fatalities would be insignificant, and there is presently medical treatment for the plague availible today.
yeah were also much cleaner in the medieval times people didn't really take baths,rats were commonplace everywhere,and people threw their 'waste' into the streets
now we take baths daily,rats are rarer in homes mostly just owned as pets now, and we have toilets
There are more rats in New York City than there are people, more than twice as many by some estimates. Just because homes and such look like there are no rats, doesn't mean there aren't rats. You'd be supprised what u can find in places you'd expect to be clean. Rats haven't gone away, they just stay out of our sight.
I got news, that's not always the case. Alot of college campuses have rats and roaches, alot of downtown apartments, and even alot of homes. My fammilly had no idea untill they made a nest in our crafting supplise. You just never know when they are there. And also, they say for every mouse u catch in a reg mouse trap, there are 10 more alive that weren't caught.
I got news, that's not always the case. Alot of college campuses have rats and roaches, alot of downtown apartments, and even alot of homes. My fammilly had no idea untill they made a nest in our crafting supplise. You just never know when they are there. And also, they say for every mouse u catch in a reg mouse trap, there are 10 more alive that weren't caught.
either way if people get sick they go to the doctor which means quarantine and contained sickness
I thought this was a dead disease.. But what would happen if it spread again like it did back in the medieval ages? And why do you think it just resurfaced now?
It never actually left it just went underground so to speak. The thing with viruses, bacteria and diseases in general is that they mutate over time. These mutations vary from major to minor but they allow things to resurface or to come into existence. Influenza in a perfect example, every so often it mutates and we have to use a new vaccine, also it didn't exist until a hundred years ago.
Alot of people continue to work as normal as well, they can't afford to go to the doctor, or don't want to miss work or school. A small cold means nothing, and the plauge is very contageous, even before u start showing symptoms. that's when u spread diseases around the most. Had Swine flu been more deadly, our responce to it was terrible. It took us 6 months to produce enough vacceen(yes ik i can't spell). If this happens for real medicine needs to be availible quicker.