10. Your actions are your responsibility. If you choose to have sex, know the possible consequences and be prepared to take responsibility for them.
Agreed. And as I said earlier education is the number one way to reduce unwanted pregnancies, the need for abortions, and the transmission of STDs. However again, your actions are your own responsibilities. If you choose to have an abortion it's your own responsibility.
9. It is an actual, living being that is being aborted.
Sure, and it's an actual, living being that is killed when you step on a cockroach, or kill a deer for food, or swat a mosquito.
8. A baby is a human life and it would be the taking/stopping of a human life
It is not a baby, it is either an embryo or a fetus. But sure, you can define a fetus as a human life. You can also, just as accurately, define it as a parasite. You can say that an ovum is a human life, or a sperm. Those constitute human life as well.
7. It should be considered murder for the fact that it is the elimination of a human life.
Well since murder is a legal term and abortion is not legally murder you are simply interjecting personal feelings in an attempt to criminalize an action which offends you. By that logic I can say that eating beef is animal cruelty because it offends me because of my religion and anyone that eats beef must be jailed.
6. Murder is wrong and unjust.
Wrong and just are subjective terms which have different meanings to each person. You have no right to use your personal morals as a tool to encroach upon other people's rights to exercise their morals and beliefs.
5. Abortion does not make anyone "not a parent." It only makes someone the parent of a dead child rather than a living one.
And the point? And if we want to get really technical it isn't even considered 'alive' until it is able to survive on it's own, without receiving its blood, nutrients, and oxygen from the mother's blood.
4. People should face their mistakes and accept them. Running from problems solves nothing and can lead to more problems in the long run!
I agree. However you cannot equate abortion to 'running from problems' unless you have detailed knowledge of the situation of everyone who receives an abortion. Also, we already know we have an overcrowded adoption system in which there are nearly 3x more children awaiting a home than there are potential adoptive parents for.
Also, the majority of these children are financial burdens on the states in which they live, creating a drain of available state and federal funding. Eliminating abortion would nearly double this drain on our society roughly every 2-3 years. (for info cited see my earlier posts in this thread.)
3. It affects many more people than just the one having the abortion done.
Sure it does. So does getting a tattoo or a piercing but no one is saying you can't. Ultimately it is your body and your decision. Until that fetus is capable of thinking and acting on its own then it is a parasite, an extension of your body and as such you and the father are solely responsible for it, just as you and the father are solely responsible once that child is born.
2. It goes against religion. Even if people don't believe in God, it goes against morals!
No, it goes against YOUR religion. And morals, again, are subjective. It goes against YOUR morals, not everyone's. And who the fuck are you that you have the right to impress upon everyone YOUR morals?
If it were against my morals to go to church would I have the right to effect legislature that made going to church illegal? Absolutely not. Again, you cannot, and have not right to legislate morality.
1. Abortion is not the answer. It is just an easy way out of a tough situation which causes innumerable repercussions!
Again, while it is not the only answer for some people it may seem to be the best answer. Also, nothing about abortion equates to the 'easy way out'. Obviously you have never experienced an abortion or been close to someone who has. It is often times one of the most painful and depressing things a woman does. There are numerous negative effects of an abortion, both physically and emotionally, which profoundly effect the woman receiving this procedure.
All you have done is show your obviously religious bias against a common medical procedure and expressed your belief that your personal morals should be used a guideline by which everyone should be forced to behave. This in itself is immoral to me in that you have no right to inflict upon your fellow man your personal beliefs. Our freedoms to choose for ourselves what we do and do not believe, as well as what we do and do not do with our bodies is very important and is one of our most basic rights, yet you, because of your beliefs, would strip your fellow man of these rights.