Nope you used the word evolution, that's four whole syllables.
well, here is the idea of the 'big bang', elaborated by meh myself and i.
in the beginning, there was one incredibly dense ball, so dense that ALL the matter in the universe was in this ball. it is impossible to determine a size to this ball!
then this ball went BOOM! everything went flyuing all over the place, and their was death, blood, destruction and EXPLOSIONS!!! < ( /sarcasm) everything went flying all over the place, and you have one big expanding cloud of gasses and matter. all of this, obeying the laws of physics, evnetually became atrracted to itself and became nebulas, or a cloud of gas/debri! woa!
again obeying the laws of physics that everything is attracted to everything else, these would eventually become more compact and form solar sytem- sized nebulas, and these would form a solar sytem! i know, impossible , isn't it? (/sarcasm) after this, the debri began forming planets, asteroids, and stars, with the planets, gaining enough gravitational pull, became attracted to itself and became round! wow, thats why the earth is round!
now you see, not everything in the planets was a solid, so any leftover gasses formed an 'atmosphere'. made by it' own force, lots and lots of kinetic force made volcanoes and lava, which spewed more gas into the air, eventually forming a stable atmophere. where did the water come from? in addition to what was already there, it is also belived that comets greatly contributed to the formation of water on the earth. and in this water the very first life forms, the location still up to debate, and with lots and lots fo evolution and extinctions, here we all sit wandering about what happened!
btw i am not a creationist.