See the brain works in a certain way. Its all based on what thoughts you have in your head. Your brain makes a decision on the thoughts you have. Thoughts you get from past experience.
IF you had the two people with the same exact thoughts, they will produce the same outcome.
Free will exists and then it doesn't. There can be too many definitions to it. There are internal and external forces that affect your decisions so technically that isn't free will. However, you can still freely do as you wish. Really, there is no way to argue if it exists or not.
If you guys believe that we don't have free will because we base our decisions on previous experiences, then that's ridiculous.
How is that ridiculous. Let's say you freely put your hand on the stove and it burns. That is an experience. The next day, you choose not to put your hand on the stove because of that past experience. This is an internal force because your brain is telling you not to touch that stove. However, it can be taken as free will because you are freely choosing not to touch the stove. This is why it can't be debated.
Yes but total review, I try to make the point that you can't blame a criminal for being a criminal.
Actually, you can blame them for it. Now, they didn't have the free will to choose to live in the environment they lived in. However, they did have the free will to choose how they took it in. I know some people who were beaten as children and ended up becoming successful. Yes, there were those who turned into drug dealers when they were beaten. It just shows that everyone uses their free will differently and you can't really say if it is real or not because everything just happens.
and if two people had the same life experiences they would not turn out the same. they would each have separate opinions and feelings, some of which would be the same and some of which would be different.
If you take two people and put them through the SAME EXACT life experience they will turn out the EXACT SAME
How do you know? Have you run a test on this?
Your brain may TELL you to reply, but it's your own choice to do so. Now here's another example that may disprove your "lifestyle," theory. Now say you go up to PacSun, and you see all these awesome Fox shirts. How is your lifestyle affecting which one you buy? It is a choice, not based on lifestyle, but of preference.
@ Drace Here we enter Nature VS. Nurture. If said individuals were genetically and through dictate of experience, identical then they would make the same choices in the same situation.