ForumsWEPRwhy isn't a God accepted as a answer for everything?

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23 posts

Please explain also and it will try my best to disprove you with the bible and also who do you believe made the Ten Commandments if ti wasn't God because these laws really tackled the how the human mind acts.

  • 61 Replies
9,462 posts

Somebody present me with evidence that the Bible is perfect and infallible and then I'll laugh at- I mean, take a look at it. Until you can completely prove the Bible or at least relevant parts then I don't think I shall take anything from the Bible as being correct.

What ever do you mean? As you can see in this video the Bible is clearly the perfect, infallible, non contradictory word of God.
3,085 posts
3,880 posts

Who cares if the Bible has contradictions or not. If I wrote a book on how a chicken created the world, would you believe it?

56 posts

Someone explain to me why there is a part of the bible in the old testament that details what to look for when buying slaves? I thought everyone who doesn't beileve in Jesus is going to hell according to a significant number of churches. So how can god love everyone if everyone who didn't beileve in jesus is going to hell?

According to a devout pastor who was kind enough to visit my college campus, all our troops over in the middle east are going to hell because they are killing people. Apparently I'm going to hell because I'm an engineer and I beileve in evolution. I'm sorry, but prove your religion is right and I'll concider converting.

3,085 posts

While I'm here - why isn't the Flying Spaghetti Monster an acceptable answer for everything?

56 posts

W00t! Yeah Flying Spaghetti Monster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Their church is baised around a god who exsists in the form of an invisible flying Spagehtti monster.

God might exsist, but who ever said it has to be in the form stated in the bible?

Likewise, the Jedi church beileve that god takes the form of the force. The force is in everything, and it allows us the freedom to choose between good or bad.

Or you could be Athiest, and be very strongly against god's exsistance in general.

This whole thread is baised on one's personal relgious beliefs. Does god exist? Is there evidence he exsists? People like the idea of there being a higher power in controll of everything.

What I would like to ask the maker of this thread is what goal are you trying trying to accomplish? Are you trying to convert us or convince us there is a god by using the bible as evidence to show us our wrongs?

1,714 posts

why isn't the Flying Spaghetti Monster an acceptable answer for everything?

Because people seem to think Christianity is more believable than Pastafarianism.
3,085 posts

It's an equally as valid standpoint and about as believable.

12 posts

What I would like to ask the maker of this thread is what goal are you trying trying to accomplish? Are you trying to convert us or convince us there is a god by using the bible as evidence to show us our wrongs?

I think that's exactly what he's trying to accomplish. But if he's trying to convince people to convert then I wonder why he hasn't posted since right after he made the thread. Maybe he figured you'd realize how totally right he was right after you read it, or he wasn't prepared for anyone to question the Bible's authority. I guess he didn't think it through. If he's being serious, that is.
3,085 posts

Perhaps he expected us Atheists to suddenly find God at the mention of the word Bible. I still like how the title proves my point about most Christians using nothing more than 'goddidit' to prove something or to try and debunk actual scientific theory.

13,657 posts

I still like how the title proves my point about most Christians using nothing more than 'goddidit' to prove something or to try and debunk actual scientific theory.

Not part of most

Why "God" cannot be used as a proper answer?
Let me try this:
"What are we having for dinner?" "God."

Now, when we come to, idk, the real world, most humans would need a proper evidence for things, or at least a more logic explanation for things, because that is where we are in our developments. We are naturally curious (humans being the only being that continues to play, explore and learn on a regular basis), and every new discovery leads to further evolution as a society and as a species.
If we simply accept "God did it" and "God knows" and other similar replies, then we would be stuck in the same shape that we started as.
It is against our very nature to be stuck in one view of the world, we are always looking for a way to 1-up our view on reality.
641 posts

i am a scientist, i am an engineer, i am a chemist, i beleive in evolution. but one thing that all the athiests and anarchists, and emo kids (or i guess its 'scene' now) fail to remember is this: if there is no higher power, no meaning behind it all, then this is a huge and utter waste of space and time. if were not heading towards something, then what are we doing. you see if you take away a start, and a finish, then your just sitting still.

26,390 posts

i am a scientist, i am an engineer, i am a chemist,

...And apparently you didn't pass the sixth grade. But we totally still believe you.
i beleive in evolution.

Good for you, I suppose.
but one thing that all the athiests and anarchists and emo kids (or i guess its 'scene' now)

Don't lump us all together. We are entirely different people. For example, emo kids are either posers or seriously depressed, and atheists? Well, they just don't believe that there is a higher power. I hate it when people think that atheists are anarchists because we don't believe in God. Let me tell you something, atheist =/= anarchist. An anarchist is defined as a supporter of anarchy, and anarchy is defined as a state of lawlessness and disorder due to a failure of government, and that is definitely not atheism.
fail to remember is this: if there is no higher power, no meaning behind it all, then this is a huge and utter waste of space and time. if were not heading towards something, then what are we doing. you see if you take away a start, and a finish, then your just sitting still.

No...we still exist, and therefore, we can infuse our own existence with meaning. For example, every day we get up and go to work or school. Why? Is it because there is a higher power giving us meaning, causing us to want to go to work or school? No, therefore if that higher power were to suddenly disappear or if it has never existed, that does not mean we would suddenly change our routine entirely and lose all perspective and meaning. The reason that every human being does what they do is for one reason, and one reason only; improvement of life. You get up and go to school so you can have an education, and you want an education so that ten years in the future, you will be able to get a good job. You want a good job so that you can have lots of money, and you want lots of money so that you can live better(aka, improvement of life). Christians, you wake up early every Sunday and go to church. Why? Because you want the omnipotent being that you believe in to know that you did, therefore either rewarding you(improvement of life) or so that when you die, you will go to heaven for eternity(again, improvement of life). We all share the same basic instinctual goal, and if you take away our belief in something, that does not collapse the goal. It simply makes it a little harder to achieve because we are no longer under the impression that there is something bigger and better watching us and helping us.
13,657 posts

On the "goal in life" thing: Basically we don't have any. We are conscious, and we need something to live for, but we don't really have one.

26,390 posts

On the "goal in life" thing: Basically we don't have any. We are conscious, and we need something to live for, but we don't really have one.

This, I can concede to. Our lives circulates around trying to improve themselves, but that's all we are, to be honest. But besides improvement of our own life, no, we don't really have a goal. I mean, certainly not like a real goal. Sure, you might try to lose some weight as per your New Year's resolution or whatever, but it always comes back to that one, not-so-noble goal, improvement of life. So Cenere, what I'm basically saying here is that I agree with you, I just like writing unnecessary walls of text. Lol.
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