So many uses, and so many ways it could change and save our world. I don't see any flaws in it, either.
If we could find a way to mass-purify water with these, we could harvest saltwater from the sea much more inexpensively and purify so we could use it in our water systems. It would most likely stop droughts, and we wouldn't have to conserve water.
Simple, but in the end its less effective then boiling water over the fire, as the fire is typically faster. A mass water boiling would work just as well, and may even be able to power an engine in the process.
There is a problem with desalinating water. The salt. Where does it go afterwards? If you want to mass-purify salt-water then this will need to be considered.
Zaork, we eat an enormous amount of salt, were these objects used at a massive scale, the salt could A. Simply go back to whoever was using the Watercone, or B. Be collected by a company.
The problem would occur if the salt was dumped in natural water sources, which knowing people, is bound to happen.
As for the product itself, I see no problems with it, seems like a cheap reliable design, but would it be able to have the same effect on diseased water?
Well, after reading some people's opinion about the product, I think the salt really is going to be a problem. I think it would just be thrown away with no care for it and might makes the saltness in the sea becomes higher and might kill the aquatic animals and destroys the food chains and after that, the food web and after that, left the world with only some species of living things left.
I bet you I could do it with a crash course in being you :P Try being ME... I have to deal with an extreme intelligence, being ravishly good looking, having the worlds biggest python and having nipples so hard that even superman is afraid of me. Also lets not forget my unique sense of humour which everyone gets and wishes they had... *sigh* its a hard life. Anyway, back to reality.
I dont know if salt would be a huge problem for most of the world, because lots of the world has safe water and no need. (yes, I know lots of the world doesnt, well, make that most of the world)
Also you could create a booming natural sea salt selling business.
Simple, but in the end its less effective then boiling water over the fire, as the fire is typically faster. A mass water boiling would work just as well, and may even be able to power an engine in the process.
Would not be less effective at all considering, this device is completely solar powered. In order to boil water, especially large amounts of water, you would have to require another source of fuel. Thus making boiling the water completely insufficient for the cost. Cost of fuel, cost of fuel for transporting the fuel, payment of the fuel delivery workers, engineers to maintain the burn, permits for the burns, plus cost of wear and tear do to deterioration from the heat.
The excess salt on the other hand, given the right circumstances, could be harvested as just another by-product, resulting in this process to be more cost efficient. Especially if they keep this all green, and sale the salt as an organic kosher sea salt.
This water cone is a single person device. A fire that requires not but a few logs is also a personal device. If you get desperate, you could even burn feces. Anything burns. However, burning is much faster and can be done in more forms of weather, as well as providing heat and protection.