lol lol lol. ok so ebonix or "black english" is officially a DIFFERENT language and is being taught at a school in atlanta. lol that is the most racist non racist thing ive ever heard of
XD like seriously how bad do you have to fuck up a language for it do become a COMPLETLEY seperate language. its absolutly histarical.
Ebonix? Is that supposed to be a mix of 'ebony' and 'something else that I really can't guess'? Why not just call it Nigglish if it's only spoken by 'black people' - that's a mix of the latin word for black and english and makes far more sense.
That is really.... weird. It is not like it is a learning disorder. Its just the carelessness of educated speaking. I'm still in school and you have some blacks who speak proper English down to punctuation, than you have others who speak "ebonics" (I guess if that's the word we seem to be using). Its all in someone's mind set. I see it as if someone won't take the time to learn proper English, than there is no need for translators for educational purposes.
How would you explain to someone what you do for a living btw? lol
I think this is racist because if white people decided to create a language, it would be considered white supremicist but black people do it and very little contreversy ensues (minus on the AG forums of course)
I did find the comment RugRat kinda interesting because he's totally right there. Olde English--> Modern English --> Ebonics. Different types of sub-languages evolve from a branch language, kind of weird to thing about.
White people created languages but not a language that is exclusively white, many black people speak those languages, and not counting Eminem, no white people speak Ebonics, not by choice, but because they sound like they are making a fool of themselves and blacks frown upon outside use of their private language, believe me.
Dialectal drift? I've lived in a community that is predominatlly black all my life and I don't speak like that... 95% of the words I hear every day come out of black's mouths but I still sound white... are you sure? By the way you can insult me to my face you dont need to quote and imaginary 3rd party I won't hurt ya
If you've ever been to england you will notice black people speak the queen's english just as well as the white so the above statement is not nessacarilly true.
"As I said, sometimes it splits along the ethnic lines, sometimes along the socioeconomic lines, it has a lot to do with social mobility and racial intergration within a particular society, Black English is more divergent in the US due to a more persistent cultural prejudice"