Go to Youtube and look up any humorous music video. Chances are good that you will see the comment "xxx people are Justin Bieber fans." It's not the fact that people actually post this stupid comment, it's the fact that people are voting these comments up.
Bieber is richer and more famous than you. Get the fuck over it. I hate him as much as anyone. The last thing I want to see is his name on every single music video that I watch.
If you are voting these comments up, for the love of God, stop.
If you are writing these comments, for the love of God, go shoot yourself.
Agreed, and his 'Baby' video is by now probably the most viewed on Youtube, because people think he cares whether they talk shit about him on the internet... Well done haters, you made him rich and successful by advertising for him, for FREE No publicity is bad publicity at the end of the day. The more he's talked about the more people will know about him, If they just spent the same amount of time on videos you DO like, spreading that around, isn't that a better waste of time?
I hate how people go on rock videos and say ifyou hate JB then odds are they put down rates on it. Also I read one that said go to a JB video on July 4 and we'll show em. Another said I didn't know who JB was till people started putting stuff like that on rock videos.
That annoys me so much....I think that it insulting to good music when people put that on Music Videos. I mean I hate his music and I'm not jealous of him or his fame. But when someone post that on a Metallica video and it becomes one of the top rated comments I really want to punch them in the face. I don't even want to see that kids name anywhere near my good music (The mods are this site are really awesome....)
I meant to say The mods on this site are really awesome And I forgot the is before insulting and post should be posts Sorry guys forgot to proofread that post
Go to Youtube and look up any humorous music video.
You can look up just about any music video with millions of views and come across that comment easily. lol. Didn't even know who Justin Bieber was.
Vocally hating Justin Bieber is like saying Twilight sucks or saying Michael Jackson is a child molester or Lady Gaga is a man or Obama is a Muslim/communist/fascist/nazi/ridiculopotamus or some other irrelevant pop cultural regurgitation. Everybody's gotta say something.
They probably aren't Justin Bieber fans, but they definitely missed the like button.
Thank GOD. Finally, someone has said this! Listen up ya'll; whether you're busy dissing him or busy listening to him, you're still being obsessed with Justin Bieber. I don't like his music, but you don't have to say so. His singing is just a bunch of audio editing...but if you got a chance to make a million dollars by singing, wouldn't you take it? His voice is about as high pitched as an adolescent kid's is.