I remember this coming up in a discussion in a thread a few weeks back (yes, I've started more than one topic this way), and it made me wonder about the Christian beliefs of heaven and hell.
Heaven is supposed to be some kind of paradise, right? Where you can enjoy your life after your life, right?
Well, my question is: are sins allowed in heaven? Or are they against heaven's rules? A lot of people's idea of "fun" is also some form of sinning, which makes it difficult to determine whether or not heaven is any kind of paradise at all.
Now, in Muslim heaven, supposedly you get 72 virgins. I assume sinning would be allowed in their heaven, because otherwise it wouldn't be heaven at all...
this kinda goes with that garden of eden deal. people think that eden was a paradise. but the terms are a little conflicting of todays definitions. there are some truths we must recognize. there can be no happiness without sadness, no feelings of full or content, without hunger or discomfort, no light without dark, and so on. so the garden of eden was a perpetual state of nothingness. absolute in its entirety. this is all i can think about the traditional christian heaven, a true hell, is a place where there is nothing, no pain, no happy, no hunger, no fulfillment. because how does one judge a thing like happiness, if not against the saddest things they have had to endure.
It's speculation, Avorne. It's Nevets's opinion, after all.
Actually you technically do not want to sin in heaven
Something I did want to bring up. The sermons go "In Earth, we are sinned; in Heaven, we are made perfect in the eyes of Lord God". Would this mean that we would be made perfect by him or whatever we do is deemed perfect in his eyes? Technically, since you are perfect, you don't want to sin, correct? We wouldn't want to do anything, not even think about any sin.
So a Christian friend of mine brought up an interesting point. Nearly all videogaming is considered sin, because it contains violence, death, lust, greed, yadda yadda. Will we still be able to enjoy these hobbies, or will God make us perfect and have us not continue such smut?
Lol, that ain't me to decide; I'm not religious. You'd want to get someone who knows their stuff to go prove that to you. Otherwise, it's merely speculation and nothing to get hyped up about.
So a Christian friend of mine brought up an interesting point. Nearly all videogaming is considered sin, because it contains violence, death, lust, greed, yadda yadda. Will we still be able to enjoy these hobbies, or will God make us perfect and have us not continue such smut?
So if we're made perfect, we won't sin. And since we're perfect, we won't regret those things. We will be perfectly content with this perfect, dull and shallow existence. And people still argue on free will in favor of god? Yeah sure...
Anyway if heaven and hell were to exist against all odds, I always thought that hell would be much funnier than heaven, because I imagine heaven as place where I spend the eternity sitting and lying around drinking milk and honey and eating fruits, which at first doesn't sound bad, but c'mon, it's an eternity after all.
...And if you were a masochist, the preference of Heaven over Hell would be switched.
So if we're made perfect, we won't sin. And since we're perfect, we won't regret those things. We will be perfectly content with this perfect, dull and shallow existence. And people still argue on free will in favor of god? Yeah sure...
I also heard you get wishes in Heaven--you get whatever you want there. How would that work, since the number of choices to wish upon would be drastically lowered, as sinning in Heaven if forbidden?
That would only work if you didn't want to wish for or do sinful things - meaning that God had altered you to not want or do things that are considered sinful - removing free will.
under the hypothetical of such a place if going to heaven really made it so we no longer want to sin then there would be no need for hell. The only way the two could exist if said version of heaven exists would be the individuals choice. Thus making it a choice between being fundamentally altered or continuing on as you are. This would mean that hell wouldn't necessarily be such a bad place.
However another issues arises with our will to sin being stripped. If such a God is able to do that in heaven with no quarrels to circumventing free will, then why not just apply it to Earth? If the argument is that it's a test, then what's to be gained from such a test? The right to go to heaven? We would have that anyway without the test. The right to choice between heaven or hell? Such a choice if still given would be moot.
That would only work if you didn't want to wish for or do sinful things - meaning that God had altered you to not want or do things that are considered sinful - removing free will.
Exactly my point. What is free will if you're just going to remove it in order to prevent "sin" from being in Heaven? For all eternity, we are able to do whatever we want, without performing sin. That eliminates quite a few things that I would do during my eternity.