Is there a link? Anyway, I found these two dogs on a bike path the other day (really cute), but I didn't pick them up. The next day, my friend Nathan told me that those dogs were evil and always went in his yard D:
Where can I find the video so I could watch it and agree cause it sounds horrible!? Here is a video
BTW despite the description it is not very graphic. Its okay for people to be offended, but outlawing or deleting a video does not help. Like there are other popular videos that have been deemed to graphic or explicit and banned by governments. Took me a while to find many of those, but now that i know where to look, it is easy.
You don't hate sounding callous you just want to stirr up some kids, like I have said befor just puppys most of the reactions wouldn't be the same if it was cats.
the reactions wouldn't be the same if it was cats.
I assume you meant kittens since they are the feline equivalent of puppies. If they were kittens I would be stomping the bitches face until her eyes bleed out, in my mind at least...
Okay guys, I hate to sound callous, but are you seriously complaining about seeing puppies die? On the internet, no less?
Yeah you can find anything on the internet worse than this, like intestines coming out, peoples heads exploding, and people mutilating themselves, but that's their problem, not mine. I don't understand where the publicity that this video got came from, unless its only because of the YouTube upload? Because I am sure there is animal abuse all over the internet.