i'm sure we can all agree that power corrupts absolutely, therefore i want to know what you would do if you had the power to do anything within the realm of reality on this planet. this power could be : religious power, like the pope has and has used for a long time, or political power, like the lovely U.S. leaders, even world power, the power to kill anyone, imprison anyone, or make anyone a leader of their own people. i really want some interesting ideas on this one. a good place to start would be what do u think is wrong in the world? And how would you fix it given the power you desire to do so with?
also i kinda want to know if you think you could or would be corrupted by the power you choose, if so why? and how can others avoid being corrupted.
hmmm i suppose i would give food to all the starving people advance technology in the places's that need it put fair smart and people that are not greedy n charge after that i would probably give it up,i think i would probably be corrupted by me thinking i would be doing good by killing all the people that are bad or evil in my mind and it would really go to my head
lol, i can see that happening to anyone... btw i also wanted to know who you would kill, if there were no punishments, other than sheer morality issues, and why.
hmm for things like cheating on your wife/husband you would have to go a year without contact with the sex you are attracted too,if you break something you would have to buy a new one or pay for the repairs in a reasonable amount of time, that kind of thing. as for people i would kill i guess murderers who didn't feel sorry for what they've done and would never change for the better and typical people like hitler who would cause a large group of people pain and no matter what you did or how you intervened they would still cause a large group of people pain and the only way you could stop them would be to kill them or i guess prison or isolation or something like that if they have a wife or something they could stay together not in a prison more like house arrest with better security if they hated a certain people. something like that
i like it, but on the cheating on your spouse thing, i think a more drastic measure is needed, and i would take away the ability to get a divorce, that might make people think a little harder before saying i do.
hmmm i think people should still be able to get a divorce but maybe some requirements before people are able to get married like at least 23 years old and have to have been dating for some number of years and living together for awhile.
The people who really care about their country are working a 9 to 5 living pay check to pay check.
Ehhh... naw... the people who REEEEALY care are out protesting to protect your freedoms and stop you from being skrewed over by the corrupt people IN power.
I have no idea what I would do with absolute power. I would hope I could attain something like 314d1's heaven manifest.