Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.
you don't think they would get around the regulations on heroin and cocaine?
well not really, because although there will be an increasing demand for cocaine and heroine, the price will be set that people will still buy it (like cigarettes) People will find a cheaper alternative for cocaine and for that they will try and get around the system, but cocaine itself people will not get around the system, for because it is already provided by the system.
WRONG. The reason illicit drugs cost so much is because the cost of smuggling them into the country is so high, not because production costs are high. The government could keep it at the same price level and make a huge profit
Actually the reason why marijuana costs so much is because dealers want to make a profit. It doesn't cost much to get some guy to drive your weed across the border, and the cost of a small plane to fly it over is negligible when you consider the vast amount of money made by those supplying it.
Actually the reason why marijuana costs so much is because dealers want to make a profit. It doesn't cost much to get some guy to drive your weed across the border, and the cost of a small plane to fly it over is negligible when you consider the vast amount of money made by those supplying it.
Actually if you bought this stuff, it isn't that expensive... It is only expensive for those kids trying to be all "cool" to buy marijuana. Now I would list the prices for dime bags and how they were cut, but the rules say I will not divulge in illegal activity conversations.
People will find a cheaper alternative for cocaine and for that they will try and get around the system, but cocaine itself people will not get around the system, for because it is already provided by the system.
I didn't think about that side of it, but you're right. Right now kids who can't afford cigarettes are buying marijuana instead, which is a ton worse than cigarettes. There's another reason it shouldn't be legalized, what they will replace it with will most likely be ten times worse.
Actually the reason why marijuana costs so much is because dealers want to make a profit.
Like DDX said, it's not that expensive. That's one reason why more and more kids and teens are smoking marijuana as opposed to cigarettes.
This realy a stupid question. Think about it for a second. What do drugs do to you. They absolutely destroy a person, and you want to allow people to take them. Thats rediculous...
lol technically anyone who hasn't smoked pot shouldn't be talking as if they know everything about it. A gram of that nice grass costs 10 bucks... Less than a pack of smokes. The reason kids are smoking pot is to get high... Not so they have something else to smoke. A smoke on the other hand gives u a buzz.. As well as provides ur nicotine intake. Now i have yet to understand why they call it such a severe drug. Its not. The rumours everyone hears about cops telling them its a gate way drug, it can kill you, it normally is laced, etc... is all a bunch of bull. First off dealers wont lace it because they need the money. You die, they lose income. Second off, It can not kill you if it is weed alone. (unless ur deathly alergic). And third off, it isn't a gate way drug. If your already on the fence of trying MJ u will not go over to some hardcore coke or heroin. It's the truth. Right now just think about it. Do you want to do coke? if the answer is no you wont. Now the misconseption here is that weed makes you do things. It does not. It does three things to you. Makes you hungry (good for skinny kids), makes you laugh alot (good for depressed kids), and makes you happy (good for goth/emo kids). You are still in full control of your body, you can say yes and no to things, you are still in full control of your body. I didn't think about that side of it, but you're right. Right now kids who can't afford cigarettes are buying marijuana instead, which is a ton worse than cigarettes. There's another reason it shouldn't be legalized, what they will replace it with will most likely be ten times worse. K well like i said, if u haven't smoked it you shouldn't be commenting on something you know absolutely nothing about. Kids don't smoke it cuz it's cheap... Thats just retarded. They smoke it to be happy and have a good time. It costs 10 bucks per gram which isn't enough to get me high, so therefore its at least 15-20 to cause anyone any kinda good high... Way more than a pack of cigarettes.
Kids don't smoke it cuz it's cheap... Thats just retarded.
I'm not saying they smoke it only because it's cheap. If you would have gone to a high school class 10 years ago, and asked who knows someone who smokes cigarettes just about every hand would go up. As opposed to maybe one or two for marijuana. Now it is the opposite, and one reason is because it is so much cheaper. At least that's one reason that was given when I asked a few people I know who smoke it.
It costs 10 bucks per gram which isn't enough to get me high, so therefore its at least 15-20 to cause anyone any kinda good high...
In all reality, anyone who wants to legalize anything like heroin, meth, cocaine, PCP, etc., has never seen what that stuff can do. Yes, prohibition failed, but so do other laws. Of course people will still use these drugs if their legal or not, just like they do everything else. The fact is these drugs where made illegal for a very good reason. Now, maybe Marijuana could be legalized and controlled, that's for the politicians to decide, but you can legalize everything or society will be in a lot of trouble. Trust me, if you want cocaine, heroin, meth, PCP, etc. legalized, you most likely have not seen the effects of these substances.
I for one have, I know people who have take hard drugs. My uncle used meth and it fucked him up something bad, fucking meth. But I also know people who have taken meth and are doing ok they are functional. I mean the drugs can really fuck you up but so can Tylenol. My momâs aunt almost ODed and died from Tylenol fucking TYLANOL. It perfectly legal but it can KILL YOU.
The problem is getting people to follow those regulations. People make go around to different stores to get a ton of cold medicine so that they can make crystal meth, you don't think they would get around the regulations on heroin and cocaine?
Yeah, well; idiots still drink & drive - that's a law & regulation that doesn't get followed. *most* people however, obey the law. Additionally, getting a legal, regulated high is going to be easier, and you know you won't get in trouble for it, whereas breaking the rules to do something you know is potentially dangerous to your health & could kill you is going to be substantially more difficult; especially so as there won't be as many illicit dealers selling product.
If alcohol was banned, people would be downing scope or whatever else to get drunk (some people still do even though alcohol is legal). People are always going to break laws.
Actually the reason why marijuana costs so much is because dealers want to make a profit. It doesn't cost much to get some guy to drive your weed across the border, and the cost of a small plane to fly it over is negligible when you consider the vast amount of money made by those supplying it.
You can't simply drive it across the border. Most of the drugs coming into the US does so by boat, which is a very risky and expensive endeavour.
It is true tho that they cost alot because dealers what a profit. That when dealers sell heroine(or was it crack) they make like a 1000% profit. But of course most of the cost to the dealer and stuff is trasport
to make crack the dealers take the shoddier product cocaine and turn it into freebase cocaine, although they make almost little profit from doing that, because it is cheaper than cocaine, it is still a profit nonetheless and easier to transport and it is in a smokable form.
If someone want's to come home from work & smoke a bowl of crack & go steal lawnmower's, they should be hung.
*hides crack rocks*
but really? Crack just makes people hyper, and if they can't get enough of it they just die form overdose. If they were to legalize these drugs there should be a BIG SURGEON GENERAL warning label.