ForumsWEPRDrugs: Why not legalize?

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The topic says it all.

Why do governments feel the need to make drugs illegal? If anything, it causes a lot more problems than there were before. If they were legalized, there would not be nearly as many violent actions over getting them since the prices would not be nearly as high. There would not been as many people over doing it with drugs, since it would eventually just become a normal thing in day-to-day life.

  • 948 Replies
1,310 posts

And some people obviously don't realize that drugs don't have that negative impact on *everyone* when they take them.

You know, some people have a little something called 'restraint' or 'self-control' and don't wind up foaming at the mouth outside an ER.

Besides, no legal action is going to help anyone get clean. Addicts only stop when they want to stop. Rehab doesn't work if a person doesn't want it to work, and jail won't stop people from getting high - either on the inside, or when they get released.

338 posts

Alcohol should also be illegal..
Ugh, why is it legal? It kills too!

You do know prohibition failed dont you?
3,562 posts

You do know prohibition failed dont you?

exactly, the prohibition failed because once alcohol became illegal people started bootlegging it and crime rates increase (al capone baby!). The government will actually be smarter if they did legalize drugs. good call caucasiafro
5,838 posts

people started bootlegging it and crime rates increase

Plus, since it wasn't regulated, all kinds of rubbish went into moonshine and bathtub gin etc. the amount of alcohol in the drinks could be anything and people died.
356 posts

Okay, there are a couple things that must be cleared up. There are many advocates in the world who are behind the legalization of marijuana, seemingly the most benign of all drugs, especially when it is taken into account that there are no recorded deaths due to marijuana.

These people claim the government could tax marijuana, make a fair profit and in doing so eliminate the need for the underground market thus everyone is happy. WRONG!

In order to make money off of the sale of marijuana the government would have to tax it pretty hard, thus, the cost would go up exponentially. This in turn stimulates the underground economy of marijuana buying and selling due to the lower prices on the black market. Also, the largest black market in the world is for cigarettes, and as we all know, cigarettes are perfectly legal in every country in the world.

To legalize any drug would be foolish, as it would seem that even legalized things that are harmful, such as cigarettes, still thrive on a black market due to low price-point.

Although, I do think it is paradoxical, in that alcohol is quite obviously an addictive substance that has caused far more harm to individuals throughout history than marijuana. Though, due to societal norms, we accept alcohol as a legal substance. Prohibition did not work, and alcohol is likely one of the most damaging substances that exists today because of how widespread it is an how easily it is obtained. Sad, I just hope nobody overindulges in any way in life, this is key to living well.

3,562 posts

In order to make money off of the sale of marijuana the government would have to tax it pretty hard, thus, the cost would go up exponentially. This in turn stimulates the underground economy of marijuana buying and selling due to the lower prices on the black market. Also, the largest black market in the world is for cigarettes, and as we all know, cigarettes are perfectly legal in every country in the world.

you forget, because it is not illegal, the demand for weed will be more elastic than when it was illegal. The government could tax it just as much as cigarettes.
5,838 posts

because it is not illegal, the demand for weed will be more elastic than when it was illegal

Would there be more people using it because it is legal but they didn;t want to get it illegally? hhhmmm Does anyone know when it was legalised in the Netherlands?
408 posts

In all reality, anyone who wants to legalize anything like heroin, meth, cocaine, PCP, etc., has never seen what that stuff can do. Yes, prohibition failed, but so do other laws. Of course people will still use these drugs if their legal or not, just like they do everything else. The fact is these drugs where made illegal for a very good reason. Now, maybe Marijuana could be legalized and controlled, that's for the politicians to decide, but you can legalize everything or society will be in a lot of trouble. Trust me, if you want cocaine, heroin, meth, PCP, etc. legalized, you most likely have not seen the effects of these substances.

201 posts

Only weed should be legalized. It is much more safe compared to meth or coke. Weed is actually, in some cases, healthy. I mean if you have a really bad problems with stress and bottling in bad emotions then it helps alot with that. Other drugs though, like meth, are very harmful and are illeagal for a good reason. As for the taxes, I do think that legalizing weed would help the economy. Although, weed is already pretty expensive. I mean, it's like 40$ for enough to smoke like 3-4 bowls. If they put a high tax on that, it would make it way more expensive to buy compared to alcohol or cigarettes, which are more destructive. Right now I think one pack of Newports are about 6-7$. Yeah, weed is already way more expensive and if it were taxed then it would only be possible for righ kids to smoke it. But overall, it definitly should be legalized.

3,224 posts

In order to make money off of the sale of marijuana the government would have to tax it pretty hard, thus, the cost would go up exponentially. This in turn stimulates the underground economy of marijuana buying and selling due to the lower prices on the black market. Also, the largest black market in the world is for cigarettes, and as we all know, cigarettes are perfectly legal in every country in the world.

WRONG. The reason illicit drugs cost so much is because the cost of smuggling them into the country is so high, not because production costs are high. The government could keep it at the same price level and make a huge profit.

In all reality, anyone who wants to legalize anything like heroin, meth, cocaine, PCP, etc., has never seen what that stuff can do.

Anyone who has seen what alcohol or tobacco can do should by your logic, advocate prohibition. By legalising the drugs, you could help reduce the rates of addiction, reduce the risk and lower the level of crime that goes hand in hand with the illegal drugs trade. Plus, evgen with drugs such as mth, cocaine and heroin addiction rates in proportion to the total amount of users are in the vast minority.
4,682 posts

*Don't remember if I posted here*

But I think a certain amount of drugs should be legal. Like Heroin and Cocaine should never be legal. Also Steroids shouldn't be. But like a certain amount of Weed should be legal. I don't know why you can get drunk but not high. Alcohol does more to you than weed.

1,310 posts

Why shouldn't steroids be legal?

I have a buddy who, a few years back fell off a roof & broke his back. After all the rehab and quite a few years later, he's okay, but his body is still pretty busted up. The spine & the muscles around it are really weak, and as a result, he suffers from severe back pain & his body and strength continues to degrade. He actually has to wear metal plates of armor to keep himself together.

If 'roids were legal, he could use them to help exercise & rehabilitate the muscles around his spine such that they can pick up the slack.

As for why Heroin & Cocaine should never be legal? It's harder stuff, but with proper regulation & proper dosages, it would be a much safer substance legal then illegal.

103 posts

yea weed is like a medicine it makes to stonger and plus it is a medicine to help for this diegese

54 posts

What I believe is that the government has two choices. Either legalizes drugs (marijuana more specifically) or ban alcohol which isn't a choice in and of itself because just so many people are addicted to it that the jails would become even more crowded then they are now. I also think that the only reason the the government hasn't legalized drugs is that it is simply easier to say no to everything then to say yes to just certain things and no to others.

4,097 posts

It's harder stuff, but with proper regulation & proper dosages, it would be a much safer substance legal then illegal.

The problem is getting people to follow those regulations. People make go around to different stores to get a ton of cold medicine so that they can make crystal meth, you don't think they would get around the regulations on heroin and cocaine?
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