ForumsWEPRThe STIG unmasked

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For anyone who watches the legendary tv series Top Gear knows about the famous stunt driver dubbed the 'STIG', Top Gear has done a great job of keeping the stig masked but recentenly, a driver named Ben Collins has done a book deal and has help make a autobiography about himself. In the book he mentons that he is the stig stunt driver for top gear, there is a legal battle going on at the moment because in the stigs contract his name was never to be revield so by revealing himself he has breached contract.
Personaly i think there are a few stigs not just one.

Do you think its fair that he has revealed himself?
Do you think that its fair that all the hosts of top gear have cashed in on the show while the stig could not?

  • 9 Replies
9,504 posts

First, let's start with a traditional STIG joke that is common in Top Gear:

"They say that he can turn his head all the way around and.... can blink sideways."

So one of the STIG's has been exposed, eh? Well, tough luck on him. He breached the contract and the traditions of keeping the STIG secret, so he should be out of a job. However, this does not mean that the STIG impersonations are ruined. As I've covered, there is definitely more than STIG. The evidence is in the music that He listens to when driving. Whether joke or not, there is music of all genres and languages produced in His car. The STIG will live on, because He is just that awesome.

1,360 posts

The evidence is in the music that He listens to when driving. Whether joke or not, there is music of all genres and languages produced in His car. The STIG will live on, because He is just that awesome.

I liked the part where you capitalized 'He' because The Stig is God.
And the music is all a joke, It's not because they actually picked it xD
There was only 1 Stig I think, Clarkson even said they might not have another Stig and come up with something new, so why would they fire all the other Stigs and try to come up with another character because 1 revealed his identity if they had more?
9,504 posts

There was only 1 Stig I think, Clarkson even said they might not have another Stig and come up with something new, so why would they fire all the other Stigs and try to come up with another character because 1 revealed his identity if they had more?

Clarkson said that? Darn. I think I'll miss the STIG. He had the essence of true British cool. How are they going to replace HIM?

Too bad though.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

The white stig will be probably killed off and replaced for the next series.

The BBC News revealed the proposed book was to be called The Man in the White Suit, and was indeed to be about Ben Collins, but still clarifying that it "won't confirm or deny that Ben Collins either was or remains The Stig".

He didn't breech his contract, it's tacitly assumed that he is the Stig.

1,360 posts

Clarkson said that? Darn. I think I'll miss the STIG. He had the essence of true British cool. How are they going to replace HIM?

Well, yeah, but Clarkson isn't the producer, so I guess he could possibly stay if producers decide it, unlikely though.

"Clarkson hinted that the Stig as a character may no longer continue on Top Gear, saying: "Trust me, we have many, many thousands of people queueing up to be whatever it is we create."

Wait and see I guess
Though, nothing can top The Stig I don't think..

The BBC News revealed the proposed book was to be called The Man in the White Suit, and was indeed to be about Ben Collins, but still clarifying that it "won't confirm or deny that Ben Collins either was or remains The Stig".

How isn't he The Stig..?

"It was such a shock. It was horrible actually because I liked him and he came round to my house and had drinks and all that time he was writing a book," he (Clarkson) said.

"British racing driver Ben Collins has been "sacked" from his TV role after revealing he is the mystery driver known as the Stig, presenter Jeremy Clarkson has revealed."

He didn't breech his contract

He did, his contract said he is not to reveal that he is The Stig or he would lose his job on Top Gear, exactly like the previous black suited Stig.
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

He did

He didn't breach the contract, because he never officially and directly confirmed that he was the Stig, the Sunday Times and the Daily Mail reported first that he was.
financial documents suggest identity of Top Gear driver
5,838 posts

Me and my mum had a bit of an argument about this(randomly)..... she was saying it wasn't fair he was being paid less than the other presenters and getting less media attention and getting less earnings from doing other shows independantly..... I argued that he isn't a presenter and if money was his issue he signed up for the wrong job >_>

I'm sure the BBc will replace him in plenty of time for the next series (whenever that is D hopefully it won't affect the lap times too much :O

1,573 posts

What if they just SAY they will replace him and have a new stig... but really its the same dude...

Ha! take that, a spanner in ye olde works.

3,086 posts

I wonder what the former Stig says about this. remember the black and Grey one they had for the first couple of series....oh and uh STIG FOREVER!

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