ForumsWEPRrecent news about myself. The BP Bastards.

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Amigotes, I got bad news.

As you know, over few months now, Bastard BP has leaked oil into the gulf of Mexico. The bad thing is now, the oils finally reaching Dominicans coast these past few months.

I been inactive for long time, due to these moldies. And im just refraining from turning this whole post into a rant of cusses and insults at them. Im currently jobless right now, so Im not going to be online much.

But, I have a right to say this. Me cago en puta madre BP.
See you in hell you wretched dogs....

  • 1 Reply
9,504 posts

Well hi there!

Yes, everyone has some beef with British Petroleum, even more so those that live there that have been affected by the disaster. I even heard that yet another cap "broke", yet no oil has yet issued from it. That doesn't mean, however, that they aren't responsible for their incompetence and negligent attitude towards safeguarding their business and the land about it. I realize you're mad, but that doesn't mean vent on here....what did AG do, right? Was your job affected by this oil spill? Just curious.

You did what do BP's who?

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