If you are not aware that something is wrong then what is your motivation for avoiding it? You have none.
I agree; however, they did still have the knowledge they just didn't understand why they couldn't which is obviously why it happened.
Had he done so I doubt adam and eve would have eaten the apple, hence no 'original sin'. An all knowing all powerful god could have done this, and an all loving one would have done this.
I suppose the argument here lies somewhere in free will but I'm not the mood to even attempt to use it as I know it isn't a solid argument.
The wages of sin are death, it wasn't a lie so much as an indirect truth.
Also said it would be the day they ate (in most translations at least), but it wasn't. So I would consider this a lie.
I ask you if your children did not have to live in a world where evil existed yet you knew of evil would you teach them about it?
Yes I would, so that they can continue living in a world without such things. Or as the saying goes "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -George Santayana
I suppose the argument here lies somewhere in free will but I'm not the mood to even attempt to use it as I know it isn't a solid argument.
I suppose so, but I contend that a loving deity who gives us free will would at least have the decency to also give us the knowledge needed to apply that will properly. You cannot let someone you love make an uninformed decision then punish them for it. That's just asinine.
I suppose so, but I contend that a loving deity who gives us free will would at least have the decency to also give us the knowledge needed to apply that will properly.
I feel like he did. After the original sin was committed though which doesn't shed God in the best light.
But this inevitably creates curiosity and as Walker pointed out wouldn't they want to experience "evil for themselves?
Not necessarily, for intense I don't live in a war zone, nor have I ever been in one. I have knowledge of such a thing yet I have no desire to experience it for myself.
You guys should learn Religion Before Discussing it
I actually whole-heartedly agree with you. Sadly, there are only a handful of people here who have actually taken the time to learn about religions, what they teach, from whence they derive their authority and traditions, and their history.
Not necessarily, for intense I don't live in a war zone, nor have I ever been in one. I have knowledge of such a thing yet I have no desire to experience it for myself.
In the same vein I dont need to read up on mass murderer before knowing its something I dislike and dont condone. I dont need to read up on Hitlers ideas to know I stand against him in general, regardless of any "good" policys he may have had. Religion falls into the same catogory for me. Iv seen well enuf to know that its not a force for good. Anything that religion has done i.e. saving people from being thugs etc. could be done without religion.
You guys should learn Religion Before Discussing it
So no, I dont need to. This is not a political situation with two sides to a story. Its a mind virus that spreads primarily from teachings in childhood.
You guys should learn Religion Before Discussing it
Former Catholic. Studied other Christian sects for about a year. I am currently debating whether to look into Islam. When dealing with Christians I am well prepared.
You guys should learn Religion Before Discussing it
i do
god wiggles his nose and Adam and eve magically appear then a talking snake tells eve to eat an apple the snake was talking because eve was trrrriiipppiiinnnnggg on acid then she does their sent to hell and other stuff blablabla burning magic bush blablabla ten comandmant blablabla modern day