Watch this video I know it's slightly old but watch it anyway.
It doesn't matter what religion you are or if you have no religion these muslims are taking over the world at an alarming rate and something musst be done about it.
Okay I thought we were talking about terrorists but sure lets switch it over to an insane conspiracy.
Forget the last sentence--that was a joke. The paragraph is the truth. And take a look around our neighborhood. See how church goers believe we are fighting a war against Islam, which is obviously wrong? And look at this thread title. Yep.
We are in a war with terrorists that just happened to be Muslim. We would be in a war with Judaism if they were Jews. We would be in a war with Buddhism if they were Buddhists. We would be in a war with Pastafarianists if they were Pastafarian. Gods forbid if we were fighting against Christian terrorists. The whole church would be in upheaval.
....This was the most ridiculous thread that I've ever had the displeasure of reading.
did you forget that they are just animals?
I know this is from way back, and has probably been dealt with, but...
Holt, I ask you this in all honesty: Are you an idiot or too young to have taken a basic biology class? Humans no matter how much they try to deny it, are.... ANIMALS.
It doesn't happen very often that my mind changes.It is changing now because they have shown me proof that Most terrorists are not Muslim but that still does not answer my question on who kills the most and i am not sure what they consider terrorists.
I've read the last few pages and this is good. It means something is finally getting through your skull. Now, you asked me the question "who's killed the most" and I'm going to answer it for you. Christianity, so far, has killed the most people. Now, don't say I'm off topic because you asked me a question and I'm going to answer it. Now, as you can see, Islam extremists have killed approximately 2100 people from the Iraq war, and in the Twin Towers bombing about 2700 people died, so let's round and say to date, Muslim extremists have killed around 5000 people, eh? Now Mormonism(or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) has killed around 120 people in the MMM alone. I'm not going to count Buchanan's Blunder because that was just stupid, and the Mormons were perfectly justified in that case. So how many people has Christianity killed? How about millions.Check it out. So there's my card. Your move.
1) Those sources are clearly biased, incomplete no trustworthy sources for the numbers given. 2) The writers of those articles present every given conflict that has no clear "christian" motive as being anti-christian/anti-religious and every conflict with a christian motive as having no political one(s). Which is of course total bs. 3) Only absolute numbers are given. In only one or two cases is the death toll relative to total inhabitants of the region given. This, bearing in mind the clear motive of the article's writers, weakens their credibility a lot. 4) It shouldn't be a case of "who killed most throughout the course of history". All religious persecution and all religious wars are equally wrong (for the time being accepting there such a thing as "good" or "wrong".
Yes, those writers are biased, however if you would read them, one is biased from the atheistic perspective and one is biased from the Christian perspective, which why I chose them. I intentionally chose biased sources so we could see both sides of the issue number wise.