Watch this video I know it's slightly old but watch it anyway.
It doesn't matter what religion you are or if you have no religion these muslims are taking over the world at an alarming rate and something musst be done about it.
It's about education and society, muslims in western Europe are tendencially more advanced, and especially less under influence of extremist leaders, than in their home in eastern Europe.
very true. The old ways are losing grip on the youngsters who are muslim in the western world. I dont see it going any other way.
Hypermnestra once again this is about muslim violence if you want to debate violencce in the Bible do it in another thread not mine because it does not pertain to this thread.
Hypermnestra once again this is about muslim violence if you want to debate violencce in the Bible do it in another thread not mine because it does not pertain to this thread.
Muslim violence DOES pertain to Christian violence. Ok, here's an example. This is what's happening in this thread. Kid #1: Hey Kid #3 you're such a jerk man! We can't let you be school president because you beat up that one kid. Kid #2: But Kid #1, you're his opponent, and you beat TWO kids up. Kid #1: That has absolutely NOTHING to do with what I said, Kid #2! Go away! This is not a debate on violence in the Bible, okay? Just like you said. This is a debate on violence in religion, because you're afraid that Islam will take over the world. Christianity is presently in control of the world, religion-wise, and they have done things just as bad as Muslims have. That's all I'm saying.
Well I will end this debate.I think we have all said are mind on the Islam issue and there is nothing else to say about that and this is obviously turning into a Bible violence thread so if you want to debate that make a new thread for it.
Well I will end this debate.I think we have all said are mind on the Islam issue and there is nothing else to say about that and this is obviously turning into a Bible violence thread so if you want to debate that make a new thread for it.
i think your only doing that because you don't want us talking about the fallacies in your "good book" even if it pertains to the tops
Well I will end this debate.I think we have all said are mind on the Islam issue and there is nothing else to say about that and this is obviously turning into a Bible violence thread so if you want to debate that make a new thread for it.
You can't just end a debate when you don't like where it's going, Holt. Sorry. But what we're saying is entirely relevant to the topic and therefore there is no reason for it to be shut down. What you are doing is hypocritical and selective, and I don't like it.
The problem that arises here is that Holt is an ignorant American. Christians, Jews, and Muslims all believe in the same God, dumb***, his teachings in each religion is just diversified. And the Koran doesn't tell Muslims to kill others in the name of their religion, and the Bible doesn't either. Remember the Crusades? Where millions of Muslims were killed in the name of "God". Oh no but that's okay, I guess, so now that Muslim extremists are practically doing the same thing today they are WAY out of line.
Everything said about the Bible being violent is very easily expained.Everything in it pertaining to humans is easily justified God does not kill without reason and for everything listed there is a reason.and as for the killing of animals did you forget that they are just animals?
It has nothing to do with the topic.You confuse the topic with religous violence when it is about islamic violence.Read the original post again.But like I said if you want to make a thread where the topic is actually about violence in the Bible be my guesst.
Well before you go please take in mind what I said. Look at all views with an unbias perception and you will, regardless of what you actually believe in i.e. god, spagetti, shoes, ghosts etc, start to accept even the muslims that you so dislike.
Yes, it does! Listen to what you are saying. Holt: OMG you guys this is really really bad!!!!! MUSLIMS ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD THEY ARE SOOO VIOLENT WE NEED TO STOP THEM! Everybody Else: But Holt, srsly, Christianity is in control at the moment and they are just as violent as Muslims. Here's some examples. So you shouldn't really be worried about Islam, even if it is taking over(which it isn't). Holt: Leave you guys that's so dumb it has nothing to do with anything!!!
C'mon, stop pushing the 'repeat' button on your arugment record tape, and tell us something new. Before you accuse Islam of something, make sure to be aware that you are in the right place to tell such things. Because for now you aren't.