Watch this video I know it's slightly old but watch it anyway.
It doesn't matter what religion you are or if you have no religion these muslims are taking over the world at an alarming rate and something musst be done about it.
Maybe it's hard for you but not for me.When debating you should not let yourself get sidetracked.People will see this as you simply not whanting to talk about it but regardless onre should not let himself be talked into discussing something else.
If I could change this threads title it would be "Extremists taking over the world". Most muslims hate them as much as anybody due to the bad reputation that they give their religion and the wanton violence. Holt realize the violence comes from extremeists who are only a minority.
You should really be open minded and research stuff before you make an opinion. And because the topic does not "ertain" (a word you overuse way too much and annoys me)to your opinion of things, it is better off ended. How can you have a debate if the other side doesn't stick up for itself? You can't.
Fine then, let's talk about Islam taking over the world. Demographics Check it out. Take a good, long look. Christianity is larger than Islam by .6 BILLION. For those of you who didn't pass the fourth grade, that's 600 MILLION PEOPLE. Islam is NOT taking over the world, and even if they were, there is no reason to panic because the ONLY Muslims you should be scared of are the EXTREMISTS, and they are the MINORITY. There. On topic enough for you?
Does that make what I am showing wrong?No?Facts are facts and the fact is that Islam is a violent religion which I have already shown and magegreywolf also showed and you can't denie it.
Good God man. ALL religion is violent at some point!!! Mormonism had the Mountain Meadows Massacre, Christianity had the Crusades, and yes, Islam has violence as well but that does not make it a religion that tells people to murder others! Can you grasp this?
Actually that bottom half of your post was on topic lets all clap for Hypermnestra.Oh and while Christianity is still dominant Islam is still growing at an alarming rate but you wouldn't know that since you obviously did not look at the video I presesnted.Hypermnestra since you obviously don't plan on looking at the facts I showed I Will tell you them.It was the koran telling people to KILL INFIDELS.
Facts are facts but not necessarily complete facts; hiring people for one's idealisms is all about distorting the truth to your liking. Try to look behind the nice image that is presented to you and search further.
I have researched stuff and have provided links to them earlier on in the thread./
I have to repeat this from another...
You have researched one opinion on a delicate and complex issue, congratulations!
because it is relevant holt. You are only accepting what fits your world view. Kinda like taking mage greys opinion and twisting it to make your point.
One thing I notice most bad debaters doing is using the ol "thats not relevant" argument. Now there are cases where this is appropriate like Q:why do we see colours A:Because of crab people... the person who answered needs to be smacked upside the head...
It is not appropriate in this case because you are seperating islam and christianity to make a point about the evil of islam. You, holt, are also saying you have shown "fact" and yet are ignoring the facts of others. Cease and desist. Now Im going to get drunk... good day to you all.