My name originates firstly from the binary numeral system, or base-2 number system. It is the language of computers and all technology. Secondly, Illusion simply means illusion, an error, a delusion, an apparition, I don't exist, yet I do. Do you understand? I reside within code of computers, yet I do not.
Well, this is kinda embarassing, but I'll tell you anyway. When I was 6 or 7, I wanted to make a club penguin account (and the embarassment begins). I wanted "PollyPocket" as my username (remember those little dolls?), but that was taken. I tried Polly, but that was also taken. So I went with Polly357. The End.
Mine is because my tag is Lynx, and I added Gamer to it for this site. The reason I use Lynx is because I was looking for something that was slightly feminine without screaming "I'MAGIRL NOTICEME!" The lynx is my favorite big cat species, and most guys wouldn't use a lesser big cat as their tag.
Mine is a mix of my name on two MMORPG: Kriss de Valreve and Kenghis Khan Kenghis Khan... I think everybody know x) Kriss de Valreve is one character in a comics called Thorgal
I was reading a Calvin and Hobbes Strip when I decided since Calvin is a Kid I would do that but have two D's instead of one for Kid and 137 is 13 and 7 combined together and it is may fav. number.
Actually, my preferred username would be JIM0rgan, but that was taken. So I tried putting numbers and X's around the name, but they were all taken. and I haven't seen a single JIM0rgan around the site! (The J and I are my first and second name, and Morgan is my last name) So I just went with two random things chucked together and a number. I actually kinda like it :P