Popular topics right now are the Mosque at Ground Zero, and the uprising of Bedbugs. I would like to see opinions about the mosque, and a few reasons why Bedbugs have risen, again. My opinion about the Mosque is that it should be built. If so, it will increase the world relations because it would show the infinite tolerance of the United States of America. I believe that since we have the freedom of religeon, why can't a place of religous worship be built anywhere? Also, Ground Zero don't exactly refer to Muslims. It refers to the Terroists who killed over 1000 people because of a perversion of religeon. The Muslims are not to blame. The terroists are. About the Bedbugs, I feel it is the rise of poverty in the United States of America. 44 Million people are in poverty. I myself live in a town where over half of the 7,000 people living here are in poverty. But, as the econemy recovers, the Bedbug problem will eventually dissapear. Remember, this is my opinion, and I would be glad to hear more. Remember, no insults, and keep the debate friendly and clean!
Mosque, don't really care. Not an issue of Islamicism, but the fact that some terrorists use the religion to justify killings, and terrorism. But the majority of them are great people. It's the fact that "bad" Islamics build a mosque on the temple at Jerusalem. Right on top of the first and second temples. They just came, and built it right on top of it, that's the reason they wanted it there. They destroyed something, and capped it with a mosque.
But they can build the Ground Zero mosque somewhere else. No need to remind people of what happened.
The ground zero mosque isn't even at ground zero it's two blocks away. In New York that translates into 0.8 miles or 4224 feet (1287.48 meters).
So this mosque is more than a kilometer away from ground zero? And why the heck are people making such a fuss about it?? My assumption is that this is a welcome excuse for islamophobics to demonstrate against muslims, but it's really a cheap excuse. As are all false pretences for rivalities between religions.
My assumption is that this is a welcome excuse for islamophobics to demonstrate against muslims, but it's really a cheap excuse. As are all false pretences for rivalities between religions.
I can understand why some people are a lil bit worried but I agree completely.
the people who are protesting are probably in poverty, or they would be too busy to protest, because they are working. that is probably why they are in the streets, because thier houses are full of BEDBUGS. it all makes sense now. oh and obama created the bedbugs in a lab, so that they would protest the mosque, so he could act like he was helping them by sticking up for them, and the american people would think he was islamic, ohohohoh i got ya obama, i know your true origin, (marklar) home of the marklar's
Wait, so they destroyed WTC to build a Mosque there?
No. Just, no. Terrorists destroyed the WTC a while ago. Now muslims who have nothing to do with the attentate want to build a mosque a kilometer away from ground zero, which for some people is still too close.
The funny thing is most people thing its just a Islamic center, there's places for Christians, Jews etc. The point is that most of the people against it don't know about that.
So this mosque is more than a kilometer away from ground zero? And why the heck are people making such a fuss about it??
Exactly. Not to mention that the building is not only a mosque, but a community center. The mosque only makes up a small part of the building. Oh, and then there's Masjid Manhattan, a TRUE mosque, which is less than half the distance from Park51 (the 'ground zero mosque' which not only is still standing and in operation, but was built 2 years BEFORE the WTC. Fucking islamaphobe bigots...
Oh, and the rise of bedbugs is due to a lack of education as to how they come to be an infestation in the first place. Much like lice, we have nearly eradicated these pests from our society and as such education on the subject is almost nonexistent and because of that people are no longer taking the measures that they used to in order to halt the spread of these parasites.
Oh, and I forgot to add that the Muslim sect which is building the Park51 community center has been repeatedly denounced, attacked, and are the sworn enemies of the sects of Islam which the jihadist radicals, such as Bin Laden, belong to. Bin Laden and his ilk hate them just as much, if not more, than the rest of Americans, but then you don't hear that part in the 'news' either...