Hi! I've tried sending Armorgames an email concerning sponsorship of my game (about 70% complete now). The email contained a full description, gameplay mechanics, screenshots and what is left to be completed.
I sent this to the email address, sponsorship@armorgames.com, provided on the developers page: www.armorgames.com/page/sponsorship, with the title of something along the lines of "Potential Flash Game Sponsorship".
After almost a week with no reply I sent another message, this time through the contact section of your website, just asking to confirm if my email had or had not been received. It's now been well over a week since I sent this and I haven't received any notification.
Am I doing this the wrong way? Have the guidelines changed or something? Even if ArmorGames doesn't consider incomplete games I should have at least gotten a reply from the Contact section, right?
I'd very much like ArmorGames to consider my game for sponsorship and would very much appreciate a reply on how to do this
Heh, sorry, I didn't mean to imply any urgency to the matter. I just thought 2+ weeks for a reply was a little unusual and wanted to make sure my message had actually reached them, thats all.
You can e-mail Justin for evaluation. (support@armorgames.com) If you don't hear back, sadly it means we will pass on sponsorship. We get lots of offers and we'd love to accept them all but it would be impossible for us.
Just wait a little longer and they'll reply back. You need to be patient anyway.
Can we stop reposting exactly what people have already stated? Just saying. Read the post above you. People only need to say things once (in most cases).