[quote]One question: If a baby dies one day after it has been born does it go to hell or heaven?
If that baby would happen to be baptized prior to death, then Heaven for sure, if not, this is uncertain.[/quote]
But why? A one-day-old cannot turn to Jesus, because it cannot think about this. It can't even talk. Nobody told the child about the Bible, etc. There is
no difference between a baptized child and a nonbaptized child. You only think that because you belive in everything you are told.
[quote]Do you sereously think that I can believe that a 23-years-old guy who was crucified 2000 Years ago died for my sins just because it's written in a old book which isn't even written by somebody who knew Jesus personally?
You should know that Mark was one of the 70 scholars that were with Jesus while he was walking the land. John was one of the Apostles.[/quote]
I guess this two facts are true. Another fact: Moses was stoned when he got the ten commandments.
The people 2000 years ago didn't knew much about science so they explainey everything with god. Why should I belive what they wrote 2000 years ago?
[quote]Why don't he show us how we have to treat each other?
Jesus did that.[/quote]
What did he told us? We have to listen to everything God tells us? If I say God wants that we reap our wifes, should we do that? And before you break the door of your bedroom, no you shouldn't.
[quote]If religion is true, god loves all his children. Why should he punish them forever?
He doesn't punish directly, especially if speaking about Hell. A person who rejects God's love and died in this state meets God, and says that he doesn't want God to be around. God says "so it be" and leaves that soul be, alone, and then the devil comes and takes the unprotected soul straight to Hell. C'est la vie. If you're speaking about what happens in the world, this is more of a warning than punishment, Hell is a lot more cruel that whatever is going here. [/quote]
That means if a reaper dies and he tolds god he want that he's around him, will he go to hell?
[quote]How many people did never, never, never sin in their lives?
Bible states four - Enoch (Genesis), Ilia the prophet (4 Kingdoms), Jesus and Virgin Mary. The former two carried the burden of Adam's sin but had no personal sins. Jesus and the Virgin had no burden of Adam's sin and had never sinned.[/quote]
Yaaaay! The whole mankind has 4 people in heaven. I hope they have fun up there.
[quote]No, the pope decided that there doesn't exist a limob.
Limbo is a word for first circle of Hell (Dante) where people only suffer from absense of God but not from their own bad deeds. Sometimes those that did good end up there, if they turn their backs to God. It's also possible that those babies' souls that weren't baptized (or killed via abortion) end up there, and dooming a soul to an eternity of suffering is an obvious sin. We're uncertain of what actually happens to these souls, but even if there's a chance that they will end up in Limbo makes the deed a mortal sin. I don't expect any one of you would want an eternity of suffering for themselves.[/quote]
Stop at that point. Timeout! You use definitions out of the Divine Comedy by Dante. I think you belive
everything you read, don't you?
[quote]Killing + raping + Jesus = heaven
No, because if you continue your bad habits after turning towards Jesus, He can say "I never knew you; depart from me, you evildoers" Mt 7:23. Living with Jesus means that you must not sin, but if you sin, you can plead to Him and create contrition in your heart, and this then will be accepted as reparation for your sins.
Loving + Caring + Helping = hell
A person who loves, cares and helps others will likely turn towards Jesus if he'd know what Jesus did to him. If not, then the outcome is uncertain - such people can be saved from Hell if you pray for them. You can also pray for a known killer to turn towards Jesus as well, and sometimes such people did repent and accept salvation (though they have to suffer a lot in Purgatory). Sometimes lovers+carers+helpers are in fact hypocrites, but this is so thoroughly hidden in their souls that only God can say their true intentions. And sometimes they can't accept God because they would have to drop several of their habits that gave them pleasure, but are contradictory with God's will. [/quote]
And what if I care, what if I'm respectful but I don't turn to Jesus (and trust me I won't)?