If animals can't defend themselfes then they shouldnt be on this planet, the human race must expand and if a few animals get hurt then so be it.
You don't get it, Ben. Without animals we cannot live. Have you ever taken a Biology class? Ever heard your teacher speak of "Homeostasis"? This is the natural balance in nature. For some reason that I cannot fathom, humans have developed to, instead of adding to the balance, tip it and destroy, populate, and expand as much as possible. It used to be that massive forests surrounded settlements and cities. Now it is the other way around.
People these days laugh at organizations such as PETA, saying that what they do is useless. Is it truly? They atleast enlighten us on conditions in Cattle Ranches and Chicken Farms. They are trying to do something. What if it doesn't have as big affect as hoped? They atleast are trying to do something, instead of laying on their arses and watching trees be cut down. I hate how people sway to public opinion and are so blatantly ignorant sometimes.
I'm sure you've heard from PETA how mistreated the elephants and other animals are in the Ringling Brothers Circus. I happen to know first hand this is an out and out lie. I know because my GF mother works for Ringling placing all the orders for these animals, they eat better then the humans. This of course is just one of many lies they tell. and of course being me here's a nice little video for you to watch. Things You Should Know About PETA oh and on facts about dairy farming how about hearing it from dairy farmers. http://www.dairyfarmingtoday.org/Learn-More/MythsvsFacts/Pages/MythvsFact.aspx
I could likely dig up more links as well if I tried.
So what's the point in saving tigers, elephants and apes if you say it is pointless to save pandas? You know that every animal has it's role in an ecosystem, if we exterminate an animal it may change the ecosystem irrevocably, which may be fatal to some humans who rely on said ecosystem. I'm not saying that change is bad by definition, if an ecosystem changes so be it, but you have to be aware of the consequences before you change it yourself. And I won't even talk about the symbolism some animals have for some people..
*facepalm* An animals role in an ecosystem isn't restricted to 'is eaten by whom'. Pandas could be regulatory elements on the bamboo population of a certain area, maybe without pandas bamboo would become invasive? Who knows how many animals or plants actually relate to pandas in any way? The best thing would be to have enough time to thoroughly analyze the whole ecosystem to be able to make accurate predictions, sadly we almost never have this time in such situations...