ForumsWEPRCatholic Church not a force for good

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I watched THIS video on FB the other night with Stephen Fry giving his reasoning as to why the catholic church is not a force for good. I agree with everything he says and openly challenge anyone to find fault in his reasoning.

Im not only putting this here as a challenge, its here so people can see it, so people might start to think past that which they blindly worship and so people can perhaps learn from this. Please only comment after having seen the whole video. I will watch the other speakers asap but I have washing to do

Is the catholic church not a force for good?

  • 53 Replies
3,085 posts

While I'm here - May I present an example of Catholic fundamentalism and die-hard Pope worship?

The Pope has laid down the gauntlet to those aggressive atheists that wish to eradicate God from our society. There is a direct connection between aggressive atheism and Nazi tyranny. I only have to look at those aggressive atheists on TV to know this is self-evident. Thank you Holy Father for speaking out against this evil aggressive atheism that permeates my beautiful land.

From The Catholic Whistle
5,001 posts

Hahah, he speaks of atheists like they are another religious group. He might as well attend a Nihilist convention and report back.

9,462 posts

There is a direct connection between aggressive atheism and Nazi tyranny.

So says the former Hitler Youth....

And atheism connection with Nazism,... oh wait.
Dawkins lays the smack down on the Pope
1,573 posts

combined with the awesomeness of Stephen Fry

Anything Stephen Fry says is true, he is a living God. I agree without even watching the video.

Stephan Fry is correct.

Lol all hail Master Fry, he will take out the evil Pope Palpatine.

Mother F^%&ing Teresa was definitely NOT A SAINT!

Ok I will need to watch that. I really thought she was a Gandhi... now Im wondering if Gandhi was even a Gandhi.

I am now questioning everything I know about the world.

This makes me smile. I know it might seem like a bit of a lost statement and one with hopelessness attached like a lead weight to it but it gives me hope. I realised after learning some key facts about the world that so called "conspiracies" should be listened to because humans are capable. Like 9/11 being carried out by USA's own government. I dont care if someone believes they did or didnt, as soon as they deny that the opposite could be true, they need to be... idk, culled, castrated... sorry, uh... Im feeling harsh. Stress etc.

Question everything. Just dont go crazy...

I deffo agree that not all Catholics are bad. He clearly states without doubt that there are good Catholics and that he is not generalizing the people within it. I agree with him when he says that the Catholic church is not doing good.
26,390 posts

Mother Teresa wasn't that great of a person. She didn't do the things she did out of a wish to do good but to make herself look good.

I was being ironic(for lack of a better word).
I'm glad someone got my joke...
Well, I mean, you didn't get my point but what I was saying was some of the "saints" are not so saintly...perhaps I should've clarified?
58 posts

Nice video. I'm waiting for holt24 to show his face here.

9,462 posts

I am now questioning everything I know about the world.

Good you should always be questioning what you know.

Ok I will need to watch that. I really thought she was a Gandhi... now Im wondering if Gandhi was even a Gandhi.

Penn & Teller knock Gandhi in the same episode that clip was taken from. It's the episode of "Penn & Teller Bull$hit: Holier Then Thou".

I was being ironic(for lack of a better word).
I'm glad someone got my joke...
Well, I mean, you didn't get my point but what I was saying was some of the "saints" are not so saintly...perhaps I should've clarified?

No big it spawned some pretty good points.
65 posts

I honestly think that Catholics around the world need to revaluate whether or not they can in good conscience remain part of such an organisation. There are many Catholics who I am sure do good. But the institution itself? Don't make me laugh. Unless you call the perpetuation of poverty in the 3rd world, reinforcement of bigotry and horrendous sex abuse good that is.

3,817 posts

Don't make me laugh. Unless you call the perpetuation of poverty in the 3rd world, reinforcement of bigotry and horrendous sex abuse good that is.

The Catholic church is actually worse in the third world, what with people dieing of AIDS do to the Pope being against condoms...
4,871 posts

I'll try to make my post as well thought out as possible but before I begin I have one quick statement to make.

Nice video. I'm waiting for holt24 to show his face here.

Holt isn't Catholic, nor is this a place for atheists to rant or an area for liberals to rule it is a place of debate. If you don't understand this then go to a site that is specifically tailored to your beliefs so you don't have to think. If that wasn't your intention and you simply don't like holt than I apologize but still there's no reason to slander the opposition.

Also I'll do my best to quote Mr. Fry word for word but if it doesn't happen I'm sorry.

I do not believe, to put it lightly, that the Catholic church is a force of good in the world; however, I have no contempt for the pious, devout individual

And here lies an extremely key point, the Catholic church as an organization is not a force for good in the world. As a body of people Mr. Fry has thus far said nothing positive or negative which I respect. I know many Catholic individuals who are a force for good but I've never been a fan of the dominating structure of Catholicism.

It would be wrong of me to express any antagonism towards any individual who wishes to find salvation in any form they wish to express it

Good man, if you're going to agree with everything he is saying I would hope to expect much less violent and haughty remarks in some debates.

There's nothing the Catholic church likes to do more than attack the Enlightenment

Here is where I come to my first slight discrepancy. While I do believe the Catholic church has been a major obstacle in objective science and reasoning in the past I'm not sure that the modern day church reflects this as much. It's been said by many high officials that evolution is compatible with Catholicism and the pursuit of science is no longer blacklisted. As he quickly pointed out though history is very important, I'm interested to see what he does with this point.


I didn't figure much of a quote was needed for this section so it will be left at that. As he pointed out purgatory and limbo aren't biblical, at all, you can't draw any conclusions that they exist nor can you surmise the ideas from any biblical text. Furthermore how easily they can be used to take advantage of the living and the dead is despicable and anti-biblical. They were used to gain money and power for the Catholic church. but do they do anything positive? One could say that they bring more hope to those still alive which is, after all, the main function of religion but isn't that feeding a lie? And not only feeding a lie but taking advantage of people's fears? No argument comes to mind in favor of the creation of purgatory or limbo by the Catholic church.

This is in the past and it is irrelevant except for one point, this church is built on the foundation of intercession

Ah, he brought it back around. First I'd like to give a subtle hear, hear for his attack on the methods the Catholic church uses as it isn't necessarily biblical that a man is needed to send you to have, none the less a Catholic ordained priest. Restricts the pool of people who could go to heaven doesn't it. Also along those same lines I'd like to point out that this is the point of the Holy Spirit, to act as an intercession between man and God and the return of the Christ. Playing God?

Outside the church there is no salvation

As he said this is a major argument against any religion, if that statement is made it excludes billions upon billions of people from being in heaven or going to heaven. It also increases dependency on whatever that religion may be.

Burned for reading the bible in English

Because if the masses can read the word of God they might find out we're lying.

Thomas Moore

That's an interesting fact I wont forget, a man who killed Christians for reading the bible in English is not only a Saint but the Patron Saint of politicians. Oh, here comes history again, so not only does it create a foundation for the church it still has clear and present modern day ramifications. Whoever made the argument that the past doesn't matter isn't looking to intelligent now.

It is the only owner of the truth for the billions it likes to boast about, who are poor and ignorant which it all likes to boast about

Again this has to come from the fear that if they were aloud to read the bible they would realize how fundamentally wrong Catholicism is. Not only on a logically level but a theological level, being wrong inherently is dangerous to reputation.

Against womens freedom with their own bodies and destines

Well, I disagree on this point; not that the Catholic church is pro-choice but I simply can't see eye-to-eye with him on this but to avoid this becoming any sort of abortion debate I'll keep listening.

Ordering them under pain of excommunication not to talk to the police or anyone else

Unfortunatly this reflects how the church is still above some laws in some countries. It also reflects a dying empire as it's resorted to self preservation instead of growth.

The best remedy for fighting child abuse is not letting homosexuals into the church

There you have it folks, the answer to everything.

Who's only purpose was to achieve love

And herein lies the similarity between heterosexuals and homosexuals. If anyone can tell me how the pursuit of love is impure maybe I'll again support the ban on homosexual marriage, if not than I'll continue with my train of though.

You're a morally evil individual

It's amazing how the Catholic church has an Orwellian view of the external world but apparently ignores it's own internals. Nothing hurts more than to be called evil and after you are why not fulfill that stereotype? It creates many more problems to call something evil than it solves.

I like to think that I can come back in ten years and argue the opposite

I would love that, if the church could recreate itself to be a force for good in the world in the eye's of Mr. Fry; in my eyes as well. At this point though I do want to point out that I haven't heard any arguments against Christianity itself the individual believer or even the individual church which raises a question are they a force for good in the world. From my personal experiences I have to say yes but unfortunatly my experiences aren't necessarily objective and they might not represent the religion as a whole, that does not mean that the don't however.

He spread the lie that condoms actually increase the transmission of AIDs

As was pointed out why not just be honest and tell them that it was against the Catholic religion? If you are assured in your faith wouldn't you? Is the church so weak in it's own faith that it has to resort to completely worldly means?

This church is obsessed with sex, absolutely obsessed

"We like it, it's fun, it's jolly." That it is sir. The food analogy was fantastic to say the least, being obsessed with food doesn't mean you eat a healthy amount it either means you eat way to little or way to much. You have sex way to often, or never.

Do you know who would be the last person ever accepted as a prince of the Church? That Galilean carpenter.

I shivered, the point is not only heretical but absolutely correct. If you want to why compare everything said or done by Jesus and then compare what is said and done by the Catholic church. I would bet that in the vast majority of cases the two wouldn't mesh.

They could concentrate of the apparent essence of their belief.

If serving the poor isn't the essence of Christianity then I don't know what is; I completely agree.

In conclusion this was a brilliant video with some fantastic points but I would like to once again point out that he didn't speak out against the religion itself but the organization.

I suppose this is more of a review of the video but it reflects my opinions on this video the best I can.
3,437 posts

And once again Samy has earned my respect. Being an exCatholic I can see the arguements as to why many would consider the Church to be a force of evil in the world, but let me ask you this: If an employee at your work did something wrong does that make the entire work force there wrong as well?

9,462 posts

If an employee at your work did something wrong does that make the entire work force there wrong as well?

No, how ever depending on the persons position and influence in that job it can have negative effects on that jobs image as a whole.
5,001 posts

If an employee at your work did something wrong does that make the entire work force there wrong as well?

"There are many facets of Catholic Church and many, many followers. I would not doom everyone and everything tied to it.
Though, personally, I do not agree with their teachings and methods of handling such things as the sexual abuse scandals." - earlier post! But also handling those employees with sexual harassment and/or abuse charges is really important.
3,086 posts

the Pope being against condoms...

anyone see the meaning of life by Monty python?
efan proceeds to sing: every sperm is sacred! every sperm is true...
9,462 posts

anyone see the meaning of life by Monty python?
efan proceeds to sing: every sperm is sacred! every sperm is true...

Every Sperm is Sacred
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