I hate to say this, and don't mean to bring up another suggestion in this topic, but I disagree with an edit button for the members. This could really cause some problems with moderating.
I don't think it'd be too much of a problem. If you see a bad post, and they edit it, delete it anyway. My solution is to have an edit button that only works for 2 minutes after you make the post.
A timed edit is a common trait on sites like Digg, etc.
We've had some discussion in the office about like/dislike, versus just a 'like' button.
If all you have is a 'like' button (no 'dislike' button) it kinda goes without saying that if you don't like something, you just won't click the 'like' button, and it will keep people from ganging up on another user they don't like.
Allowing a 'dislike' button can create the 'cyber-bully' effect that someone else mentioned earlier. Comments on Slashdot/Digg/Engadget/etc get buried simply because people gang up on a particular user, which is something we'd want to avoid.
Still, we'd want a way to flag inappropriate content so users can let us know when something needs to be reviewed, but flagging it shouldn't necessarily remove/hide that comment until a mod/admin deals with it.
can like buttons work as a sort of "upper" for merit-worthy reviews?
Hmm, I'm not sure, otherwise someone with 100 friends who "like" their comment could make us think it's worth a merit when maybe it isn't.
We could maybe have a "hide this post" sort of button on a user-by-user basis, I'm not sure. I'll have more info on this stuff in my blog post later in the week.
Are we assuming, that if this feature is implemented, it would apply to both forum posts AND comments?
And touching on the edit button - I think a timed window to edit for members is a great solution to the compromise with moderating. I could give a long "wish-list" of moderating tools...
oh i get it now(sarcasm)we steal ideas then build them then we say we made them up. hmmmmmm i dont see how its fair to the original creator of the idea
Stop complaning beacsue someone didn't like your idea.
This is actually something that would better the site as a whole, and make the user experience better, whcih in the end is what the Adminastration is trying to do.
we steal ideas then build them then we say we made them up.
The admins wouldn't be stealing ideas nor bragging that they made them up. Hundreds of websites share similar features and they don't fight for original ownership of the feature.
and you can stop complaining because i dont like what you suggust im just dont like the idea im not trying to say that everyone has to agree but im not going to agree with something just because gold kings and adminastrator and mod like it and no im not going to contact youtube or who ever invened it. I just don't agree with everyone sorry.
It's fine that you don't agree. Just disagree and move on. I also disagree with the idea, I think it's a feature that'll end up getting abused. I'd prefer AG to stick to the simpler forum style, I like it