This question is meant to answer regarding life as a whole. What is more important to posses from those around you. Loyalty or trust? Are these the exact same things? In my opinion, they are not the same thing. This may sounds crazy to some, however, I believe Loyalty is more important than trust. Loyal people will not only be by your side, it will be someone you can trust. This could even mean people going out of their way when you are in times of need. Someone you just trust is different. You can tell someone you trust a deep secret, or talk about problems. This is just my opinion of course and I am curious to what others value more..... Loyalty or Trust?
Loyalty, as I see it, is one person's commitment to one or more person. Sometimes a person manipulates someone to think that they aren't loyal enough, and that they should get them more things. Trust is a thing between two mutuals. More of a respect thing.
I learned the answer to this question in JROTC. You need both loyalty and trust in order to succeed at life and become a leader. Without one, the other wouldnt mean anything.
Personally I would rather be trusted, and trust. Simply because I can count on someone to be loyal to me doesn't demand that they will be honest with me. Think about your family. I'm sure many of you are very loyal to your families, but I'm certain you've lied to them before too. I would rather have people I can count on to be honest with me. After all, if they are honest with me it would stand to reason that I'd know if they weren't loyal anyway.
Well, I would be trusted or I would trust someone. Having someone always by your side all the time in your life would be very weird. Loyalty is in trust but they are loyal. I like a lot of action in my life so if I trust someone and they aren't loyal, meaning that they could tell someone else the thing that I told them then I know not to trust them anymore.