I just confirmed with Larry that we're going to build a way for users to send private messages to one another, but the recipient will be able to flag the message as spam/abuse.
We don't know yet exactly what it will look like, but it's on the "to-do" list.
You should see the verbal fights with users and mods in the WEPR.
But I haven't heard anything lately on what's to be done with the layout of the users' profiles... the thread about it hasn't been updated anymore if I'm correct... :/
This and other features aren't completely set in stone yet, so what we're discussing is still speculation. It's nice to speculate; we might think of a few poppers to add to the feature.
Mods could always, y'know, look at our PMs without telling us that they even have the ability to
For legal reasons, mods and admins would not have access to read your private messages unless you explicitly flag something as hateful/abusive/illegal/etc., which will unlock it for use to review. Otherwise, private messages are exactly that: private
If the team is announcing a U2U PM system, what kind would it be?
More than likely, it'd look like phpBB's private message system, where you have an Inbox, a Sent box, and can store a limited number of messages.
The user-to-user live chat/IM type of thing that I mentioned a few weeks ago will probably get scrapped. Users will have the ability to share their IM handles with one another, and there's no reason to reinvent the wheel if they can chat over IM.
ignoring the spammer, would users with higher karma or AP or whatever the deuce we will call the new AP system get a larger inbox and outbox to hold more messages?
No, everyone will have the same inbox/outbox size ... we'll likely let you keep as many messages as you want for the time being, but we'll "reserve the right" to wipe "old" messages over time.
@ Cenere: never thought I'd see the day that you would get drawn into a verbal (though up till now clean) fight with a user! When did that happen/change...
You haven't been around for most of the fools, trolls and intense WEPR debates.
Otherwise, private messages are exactly that: private
From what I know on the internet, nothing is private.Please make sure there is a warning about the private messages to be careful what you say. I have an idea; what if it was only friends that could private message. With the mutual friend add on it would be good.
Efan, I think I mentioned elsewhere that private messages would likely be restricted to friends, but you can also block any user (even friends) from sending private messages. The only people you can't block are moderators and admins.
Well, considering the number of security problems that Facebook has had with trojans and virus attacks to steal usernames/passwords, it should always be assumed that you should be *extremely* careful with information you post online, and you should do what you can to protect yourself. For example, change your password every month or so, and try not to use the same password on more than one web site.
I think that Moderators should be allowed to read the messages. Although I'm pro-privacy, AG isn't an email service. It's a game site, so I think that messages should regard games at least vaguely.
IcyIndia said: I think that Moderators should be allowed to read the messages. Although I'm pro-privacy, AG isn't an email service. It's a game site, so I think that messages should regard games at least vaguely.
Cormyn said: For legal reasons, mods and admins would not have access to read your private messages unless you explicitly flag something as hateful/abusive/illegal/etc., which will unlock it for use to review. Otherwise, private messages are exactly that: private
That's why mods and admins can't look at your private messages unless you flag them.
I think private messaging will be very useful in AG3 since everyone now can't see your conversation you had with the other person.