lol would be coool if AP would unlock awsome new ub3r stuff in specific games like a special gem in gemcraft or a skill or sumthin like that oh wait a sec........ .......11223
ie, if you have more than, say, 5,000 AP, you get new projectiles in Crush The Castle 2, and such.
This is a pretty interesting approach, and it would be easy enough to us to communicate your points to a game, but would require that the game developers themselves to look for those point values to react differently.
ie, if you have more than, say, 5,000 AP, you get new projectiles in Crush The Castle 2, and such.
I'm mixed on this idea. What if a use is playing from a different site(like kongregate) and they think that it is unfair for a active Armor Games member to receive bonuses.
My suggestion --- Have there be rewards for AP such as being able to get into a 'beta' of a new game, or test new features on the site before they are released.
Beta would be awesome but there would be thousand of ppl spamming to be able to play the beta of sony 3 or last stand 2 or any other highly anticipated game seuquel on this site. Plus what if the game developer only wants lets say 20 ppl to test the game how would he chose from hundreds of thousands of ppl for he's game.
I think achievements would be the best like on kongregates (sorry if I mispelled it) let's say you get a certain score on a game you get rewarded an achievement that would be from 5 to I don't know 50 ap depending on the score you got.
unfair for a active Armor Games member to receive bonuses.
Since this data could only be imported by the same mechanism that tracks auto-login and AG high scores, etc., it could only be used on the AG web site, not other sites.
I don't think you should reset anything. It would be unfair to all the gold kings who want to keep their rank.
I think you should receive some AP for getting a really good score in a game. I mean, isn't playing games what this site is about? If people don't get credit for being really good at a game (unless they cheated) they might feel like their score is worthless. Like, not a lot, but just if you get in the top ten percent or something. And there's a max limit of AP you can get on one game.
yeah. i did see some really fake scores get cleared off of solipskier recently so you're doing your job. i don't know, i just think it seems like a really good idea.